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Monday, 30 January 2012

RK QTP Classes6 - Scripts to all

Qtp Scripts

Sorting of Elements in an Array

'Program to illustrate sorting of elements of an array
'This program takes the array boundary from the user
'Validate if it is a valid number <=10  
'Get the list of elements from the user  
' Validate if it is a number  
' Finally Sorts and displays the contents of the array
'Variable Declarations 
Dim nArray(),nArrayBound 
Dim nCounter, nCtr1,nCtr2 
Dim nTempVar,sTempStr 
Dim bFlag 
'Get the number of elements as input from the user nArrayBound=inputbox("Enter a number between 5 and 10" 
'Validate the input (if it is a valid number) 
Do While bFlag=False  
   If isNumeric(nArrayBound) Then 'Valid number   
      If nArrayBound<=10 Then 'Lesser than 10    
         If nArrayBound>=5 Then  'Greater than 5
            nArrayBound=inputbox("Enter a number greater than 5")
         End If
         nArrayBound=inputbox("Enter a number Less than or equal to 10")
       End If
       nArrayBound=inputbox("Enter a valid number")
   End If
'Redim the array decalred with the number of elements
ReDim nArray(nArrayBound-1) ' -1 because the array index starts with 0
nArrayBound=cint(ubound(nArray)) 'moving the upper boundary of the array to a variable
For nCounter=0 to nArrayBound
   'Get the elements of the array from the user
   nArray(nCounter)=inputbox("Enter the Array Element #"&nCounter)
   'Validate the input (if it is a valid number)
   Do While bFlag=False
      If isNumeric(nArray(nCounter)) Then ' Checking if the input is a number
         nArray(nCounter)=inputbox("Enter a valid number")
      End If
For nCtr1=0 to cint(ubound(nArray)) 'To track the current elemtent
   For nCtr2 = nCtr1+1 to cint(ubound(nArray))  ' The other elements in the Array
      If cint(nArray(nCtr2))< cint(nArray(nCtr1)) Then ' Check which one is smaller
            'Swap the elements
            nTempVar = nArray(nCtr1)
      End If
sTempStr="Sorted list : "
For nCounter=0 to ubound(nArray)
   'Putting the sorted elements in a string
   sTempStr=sTempStr&nArray(nCounter)&", "
'#### Sample Result  #####
' Sorted list: -8, -2,0,1,4,4,7,
'##### End of Script######

VBScript Program to reverse a string without using strreverse

'Program to reverse a string without using strreverse

MyStr = inputbox("Enter the String:")
nCnt = Len(MyStr)

For i = 1 to nCnt

   RevStr = Mid(MyStr,i,1)&RevStr


Msgbox RevStr

VBScript code to check if a string is Palindrome or not

'Program to check if the given string is a Palindrome or not

MyStr=Ucase(inputbox("Enter the String:"))

if strcomp(MyStr,RevStr)=0 then
   msgbox "It is a Palindrome"
   msgbox "It is not a Palindrome"
end if

VBScript: Listing the prime numbers

'VBScript program to display the prime numbers
PrimeNumberLimit = inputbox("Enter the range till (ex: 50):")
'Getting the limit as an input from the user

PrimeNumberList="Prime number list is:"
'Initialising the list of prime numbers

For Ctr1=1 to PrimeNumberLimit

   ' Initialising a Flag variable

   If  Ctr1>=4 Then

      For Ctr2=2 to Ctr1/2
         If Ctr1 mod Ctr2 = 0 Then 'Checking the reminder
            'Not a prime number

         End If

   End If

   If PrimeFlag=True Then

      PrimeNumberList=PrimeNumberList&" "&Ctr1
      'Collecting the prime numbers

   End If


Msgbox PrimeNumberList
'Displaying the result

Program Explained Line 2: Getting the input from the user and storing it in a variable. Sample output:
Line 5: Initializing the list of prime numbers in a string. Line 8: Checking for all the numbers starting from 1 till user's input Line 10: Initializing a flag variable. Line 13: Excluding 1,2,3 the first three prime numbers. Lines 15-22: Checking for the reminder, and if it is zero we conclude it is not a prime number. Lines 28-33: Collecting all the prime numbers in a string. Line 37: Displaying the list of prime numbers. Result:

Validating an input from the user

'The following code illustrates how an input can be validated in VBScript. This example program demonstrates how to validate for a numeric value between 5 and 10

nInputNumber=inputbox("Enter a number between 5 and 10")

'Validate the input (if it is a valid number)


Do While bFlag=False

   If isNumeric(nInputNumber) Then 'Valid number

      If nInputNumber<=10 Then 'Lesser than 10

         If nInputNumber>=5 Then  'Greater than 5
            nArrayBound=inputbox("Enter a number greater than or equal to 5")
         End If


         nArrayBound=inputbox("Enter a number Less than or equal to 10")

      End If

      nArrayBound=inputbox("Enter a valid number")

   End If

Msgbox "All Conditions Satisfied"

Program Explained: The above code illustrates how an input can be validated in VBScript. This example program demonstrates how to validate for a numeric value between 5 and 10. I have explained the executable lines below: Line 3: We use an Input box to get a value from the user and store it in a variable nInputNumber Line 7: We set the bFlag variable as false, this variable is a falgging boolean varible which will be set as true when our conditions are satisfied. Line 9: (Do Loop) Looping the statements until our conditions are satisfied (Numeric Value & greater than or equal to 5 & less than or equal to 10) Line 11: (If isNumeric(nInputNumber)) Checking for condition 1 - Is it a number? Line 13: (If nInputNumber<=10) Checking for condition 2 - Is it Less than or equal to 10? Line 11: (If nInputNumber<=10) Checking for condition 1 - Is it Greater than or equal to 5? Lines 16,18,24,30: Setting the bFlag (Flag) variable as True/False according to whether or not the condition is satisfied. Lines 19,25,31: Throwing of appropriate error message back to the user and getting a new input from the user Line 36: Message box confirming that it is out of loop and all the conditions are satisfied.

QTP Script to update variables value from ini file

'Subprocedure to update value of ini variables value
Public Sub WriteToEnvironment(sParam ,sValue)
'Declare the required variables
Dim oFSO, oFile, oTxtStream, sLine, sNewTextStream, vpath

'Create the application object for FileSystemObject
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Declare the file input/output constants
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8

'Declare Tristate values constant used to indicate the format of the opened file
Const TristateUseDefault = -2, TristateTrue = -1, TristateFalse = 0

'Get the file from the file specified in environment variable  
Set oFile = oFSO.GetFile(Environment("iniPath"))

'Open the ini file for reading purpose
Set oTxtStream = oFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault)

'Read the file till the end
While Not oTxtStream.AtEndOfStream

'Read the file line by line
sLine = oTxtStream.ReadLine
sParameter = Array()

'Spilt the ini variable by delimiter 
sParameter = Split(sLine, "=")

'If the ini variable name matches to required then modify the value with new value
If sParameter(0) = sParam Then
sLine = sParam & "=" & sValue
End If

sNewTextStream = sNewTextStream & sLine & vbCrLf

'close the stream object

'Create the application object for FileSystemObject
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Get the file from the file specified in environment variable  
Set oFile = oFSO.GetFile(Environment("iniPath"))

'Open the ini file for writhing purpose
Set oTxtStream = oFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting, TristateUseDefault)

'Write the new stream data to file
oTxtStream.Write sNewTextStream

'Close the stream object
End Sub

QTP code to search data from Excel sheet

Dim appExcel, objWorkBook, objSheet, columncount, rowcount,

'Create the application object for excel
Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

'Set the workbook object by opening 
Set objWorkBook ="c:\Smoke_Test\SmokeTest.xls")

'Set the Worksheet object
Set objSheet = appExcel.Sheets("Global")

'Get the count for total used columns
columncount = objSheet.usedrange.columns.count

'Get the count for total used rows
rowcount = objSheet.usedrange.rows.count

'Assign the data to search for

'Iterate the loop through each cell to find out required data 
For a= 1 to rowcount
For b = 1 to columncount
fieldvalue =objSheet.cells(a,b)
If  cstr(fieldvalue)= Cstr(Find_Details) Then
msgbox cstr(fieldvalue)
Exit For
End If

QTP code to terminate all instances of Internet explorer using collections

'Code to close all Internet explorer browser process using QTP

Dim oWMIService, allIExplorer,iEItem
Dim strComputer


'Get the WMI object
Set oWMIService=GetObject("Winmgmts:\\"& strcomputer & "\root\cimv2")

'Get collection of processes for with name iexplore.exe
set allIExplorer=obj.execquery("Select * from win32_process where name='iexplore.exe'")
'Loop through each process and terminate it
For each iEItem in allIExplorer

Set allIExplorer= Nothing
Set oWMIService= Nothing

QTP script to send an email from outlook

'Call to the function for sending the mail on mail id ''
Call SendMail("","Hi","Hi","")

' THis function will create an email and send it using outlook

Function SendMail(SendTo, Subject, Body, Attachment)

'CreateObject method to create an Outlook Application object
Set ol=CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

'Create a new outlook mail object
Set Mail=ol.CreateItem(0)

'Add the email address to the recipient list of the message

'Add the subject of the message

'Add the body of the mail message

'Add the attachment to the mail message
If (Attachment <> "") Then
End If

'Send the mail message

'Free up the memory
Set Mail = Nothing
Set ol = Nothing

End Function

Code to download attachment from outlook emails

'Below code goes through all the unread mails from inbox folder and download the attachment

'CreateObject method to create an Outlook Application object
Set ObjO=createobject("Outlook.Application")

'GetNameSpece returns a NameSpace object of the specified type
Set olns=ObjO.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

'Get the reference of inbox folder
Set ObjFolder=olns.GetDefaultFolder(6)

'Iterate for all the unread mails and download the attchment from those mails
For each item1 in ObjFolder.Items
If item1.Unread  Then
For each att in item1.attachments
FileName="C:\EmailData\" &att.FileName
att.saveasfile FileName
End If

QTP script to login to Gmail using different sets of logins from datatable

In the following example there is no need of recording any scripts. Just copy paste the below script and it should work provided you meet the prerequisites. Prerequisites:  1) Ensure that you set the run settings to "Run one iteration only" 2) Create the datatable (Global sheet) parameters => Rename Columns A & B as UserName and PassWord respectively (as shown below) 3) Update the test data (Different sets of user name password combinations on the global sheet (as shown below).
QTP Data Table Global Sheet
QTP Data table (global sheet), click on the image to enlarge
' Program to login to Gmail using different set of logins from a datatable
' Table Structure (parameters): UserName, PassWord

'Retrieve the number of rows in the table

'Close any existing IE browser windows
systemutil.CloseProcessByName "iexplore.exe"

'For every User name Password combination
For i = 1 to nRowCount

   'Open a new IE browser and navigate to
   Systemutil.Run "iexplore", ""

   'Wait for the page to load

   'Get the current row User name and password and store it in variables

   'Update the user name and password on the page and sign in
   Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebEdit("name:=Email").Set sEmailid
   Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebEdit("name:=Passwd").Set sPassWord
   Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebButton("name:=Sign in").Click


   'Check if the left 13 charecters of the browser title is "Gmail - Inbox"
   If left(browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").getROProperty("title"),13) ="Gmail - Inbox"Then
      msgbox("Signed in Successfully")
      msgbox("Login Unsuccessful")
   End If

   'Close the IE browser
   systemutil.CloseProcessByName "iexplore.exe"


'## Message box prompting whether the login was successful or not for all the login id and password combination

How to retrieve all the link names and URLs using QTP?

We need to use the ChildObjects method to get the collection of links. Using the collection object we can then retrieve the name and URL properties of every link. Step by Step illustration: 1) Using the ChildObjects method, get all the links on the webpage.  2) We now have the collection object ready. 3) Use the GetROProperty method to retrieve the required property values. (In our case Innertext & href) Example :
' This can be used on any page
Set oLinkDesc = Description.Create()

' Retrieve HTML tag "A"
oLinkDesc("html tag").Value = "A"

' Create the collection object
Set nLinksCollection = Browser("title:=.*"”).Page("title:=.*").ChildObjects(oLinkDesc)
nLinksCount = nLinksCollection.Count()

' Retrieve all the requied properties
For i=0 to nLinksCount-1

   sName = nLinksCollection(i).GetROProperty("innertext")
   sHref = nLinksCollection(i).GetROProperty("href"”)

   ' Saving the results in the reporter
   Reporter.ReportEvent 0, "Links name: " & sName & "; URL: " & sHref


QTP Script to Connect to a Database

public void ConnectToDatabase()

Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimistic = 3
Const adUseClient = 3

Set objConn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordset=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objConn.Open "DRIVER={Oracle in OraHome92};SERVER={Servername};UID={Username};PWD={Password};DBQ={Dbnmae}"
objRecordset.CursorLocation = adUseClient
objRecordset.Open "Select {Col name} from tablename",objConn,adOpenStatic,adLockOptimistic

While not (objRecordset.EOF)

   Msgbox "Result" & objRecordset.Fields.Item("{Col name}")& vbCrLf 



Set objRecordset=Nothing
Set objConn=Nothing


QTP Script to get the title of all open browsers

'QTP Script to Get the title of all open browsers

Set BrowserDesc = Description.Create()

BrowserDesc("application version").Value = "internet explorer 7"

Set BrowserCollection = DeskTop.ChildObjects(BrowserDesc)

nCnt = BrowserCollection.Count
MsgBox "There are totally "&nCnt&" browsers opened"

For Ctr = 0 To (nCnt -1)

   MsgBox "Browser : #"&Ctr&" has the title:"& BrowserCollection(Ctr).GetROProperty("title")


Set bColl = Nothing
Set bDesc = Nothing

How to deal with Dynamically changing Objects in QTP?

We come across this situaltion quite frequently. How do we deal with a dynamic object/continuously changing object at the runtime. May be the object's properties are set dynamically at runtime through input parameters. We are now at a point where we cannot add this object to the OR (Object Repository). So what's the solution?  It is simple, create a dynamic/runtime object. How do I define/create a dynamic object?
  • First Method:(method is explained inline)
Set newObject = Description.Create
'The above line declares a new object

newObject("micclass").Value = "WebElement"
'The above line sets the type of object (Browser/Page/WebElement/Link etc), in this case it is a Web Element

'The below 3 lines set the Dynamic/Runtime properties of the object

newObject("html tag").Value = "SPAN"
newObject("class").Value = "radio-classic-ITEM-OFF"
newObject("text").Value = Parameter("Text")

'Usage of the new Object
  • Second Method
The following syntax can be handy for one time usage of a Dynamic Object. In this method we set the properties of the dynamic object in the same line. This is another way of implementing the above example.
Browser("Google").Window("Google").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN", "class:=radio-classic-ITEM-OFF", "text:=" & Parameter("Text")).Click

Datatable - Import/Export

There are 4 methods that QTP provided to Import/Export a datatable to/from an .xls file.
1) Import method : This method is used to import an entire workbook into QTP datatable.
datatable.Import "D:\QTPScripts\Test_Folder\Testing.xls"'Imports the entire workbook
2) ImportSheet method : This method is used to import only a specific sheet into QTP datatable.
datatable.ImportSheet "D:\QTPScripts\Test_Folder\Testing.xls",1,2'Imports the source sheet (1) to destination sheet (2)
3) ExportSheet method : This method is used to export only a specific datatable sheet from QTP to an .xls file.
datatable.ExportSheet "D:\QTPScripts\Test_Folder\Testing.xls",1'Exports the specified sheet to a file; Overwrites by default, only one copy is exported.
4) Export method : This method is used to export the entire datatables from QTP to an .xls file.
datatable.Export "D:\QTPScripts\Test_Folder\Testing.xls"'Entire workbook is exported

GetTOproperties, SetTOproperty, GetTOproperty & GetROproperty - methods explained with sample scripts.

Before we get started, I would like to take some time explaining about the TO, RO, Get and Set part of the methods.
TO : Stands for Test Object (The object that we have recorded in our object repository)
RO : Stands for Runt-time Object (The application object we are testing against the object in the Object repository)
Get : Is used to get (return) the current property/ies of a Run-time or a test object.
Set : Is used to set (return) the property of a test object.
This method is used to return get the properties and their corresponding values from the recorded object in our object repository.
The following example explains the usage of GetTOproperties method:
'### Get TO Properties Script ###

systemutil.Run "iexplore.exe", ""

Set oWebEdit=Browser("Google").Page("Google").WebEdit("q") 'Create webedit object

Set TOProperties=oWebEdit.GetTOProperties 'Get TO Properties

For i = 0 to TOProperties.count - 1 'Looping through all the properties
    sName=TOProperties(i).Name ' Name of the property
    sValue=TOProperties(i).Value 'Value of the property
    isRegularExpression=TOProperties(i).RegularExpression 'Is it a Regular expression
    Msgbox sName & " -> " & sValue & "->" & isRegularExpression 

'### Result:###
' type -> ext -> true
' name -> q -> true
'### End of Script ####

SetTOproperty :
This method is used to set the value of a particular property of an object in the object repository.
This method is used to get the current value of a property of an object in the object repository. If we had used the SetTOproperty method to change the existing property of an object in the OR, GetTOproperty method would only retrieve the current value of the property (ie, what ever value was set using SetTOproperty).
Note : Whatever value we set during the script execution is not retained after the execution is complete. The values in the OR automatically gets back to what it was at the beginning of the execution just like the run-time data tables.
'### Set TO Property & Get TO property ###

oldName = oWebEdit.GetTOProperty("name")
msgbox "Old Name ->" & oldName
oWebEdit.SetTOProperty "name","New Value"
NewName = oWebEdit.GetTOProperty("name")
msgbox "New Name ->" & NewName

'### Result:###
' Old Name ->q
' New Name ->New Value
'### End of Script ###

This method is used to get the runtime value of a property in an application object.
Note : SetROproperty method is not supported by QTP, hence it is unavailable.
'### Get RO Property ###

msgbox oWebEdit

'### Result: ###

'### The text in the webedit control is displayed
'### End of Script ###

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