What Manual Testing
Testing activities performed by people without the help of Software Testing Tools.
What is Software Quality?
It is reasonably bug free delivered on time with in the budget, meets all requirements and it is maintainable.
1. The Software life cycle
All the stages from start to finish that take place when developing a new Software.
§ The software life-cycle is a description of the events that occur between the birth and death of a software project inclusively.
§ SDLC is separated into phases (steps, stages)
§ SLDC also determines the order of the phases, and the criteria for transitioning from phase to phase
Change Requests on Requirement Specifications
Why Customer ask Change Requests
§ Different users/customers have different requirements.
§ Requirements get clarified/ known at a later date
§ Changes to business environment
§ Technology changes
§ Misunderstanding of the stated requirements due to lack of domain knowledge
How to Communicate the Change Requests to team
§ Formal indication of Changes to requirements
§ Joint Review Meetings
§ Regular Daily Communication
§ Queries
§ Defects reported by Clients during testing.
§ Client Reviews of SRS, SDD, Test plans etc.
§ Across the corridor/desk (Internal Projects)
§ Presentations/ Demonstrations
Analyzing the Changes
§ Classification
- Specific
- Generic
§ Categorization
- Bug
- Enhancement
- Clarification etc.
§ Impact Analysis
- Identify the Items that will be effected
- Time estimations
- Any other clashes / open issues raised due to this?
Benefits of accepting Change Requests
1. Direct Benefits
• Facilitates Proper Control and Monitoring
• Metrics Speak for themselves
• You can buy more time.
• You may be able to bill more.
2. Indirect Benefits:
• Builds Customer Confidence.
What can be done if the requirements are changing continuously?
§ Work with project stakeholders early on to understand how the requirements might change. So that alternative test plans and strategies can be worked out in advance.
§ It is helpful if the application initial design has some adaptability. So that later changes do not require redoing the application from scratch.
§ If the code is well commented and well documented. Then it is easy to make changes for developers.
§ Use rapid prototyping whenever possible to help customers feel sure of their requirements and minimize changes.
§ Negotiate to allow only easily-implemented new requirements into the project, while moving more difficult new requirements into future versions of the application.
1.1 Feasibility Study:
The feasibility report
§ BRS (Business Requirement Document)
§ Applications areas to be considered (Stock control, banking, Accounts etc)
§ System investigations and System requirements for each application
§ Cost estimates
§ Timescale for implementation
§ Expected benefits
1.2 Systems Analysis:
1.3 Systems Design:
The business of finding a way to meet the functional requirements within the specified constraints using the available technology
§ Planning the structure of the information system to be implemented.
§ Systems analysis determines what the system should do
§ Design determines how it should be done.
System Design Report consist of
- Architectural Design
- Database Design
- Interface Design
Design Phases
¨ High Level Design
¨ Low Level Design
High Level Design
1. List of modules and a brief description of each
2. Brief functionality of each module
3. Interface relationship among modules
4. Dependencies between modules
5. Database tables identified with key elements
6. Overall architecture diagrams along with technology details
Low Level Design
- Detailed functional logic of the module, in pseudo code
- Database tables, with all elements, including their type and size
- All interface details
- All dependency issues
- Error MSG listing
- Complete input and output format of a module
Note: HLD and LLD phases put together called Design phase
1.4 Coding:
1.5 Testing:
IEEE Definitions
§ Failure: External behavior is incorrect
§ Fault: Discrepancy in code that causes a failure.
§ Error: Human mistake that caused fault
§ Error is terminology of Developer
§ Bug is terminology of Tester
Why is Software Testing?
1. To discover defects.
2. To avoid user detecting problems
3. To prove that the software has no faults
4. To learn about the reliability of the software.
5. To avoid being sued by customers
6. To ensure that product works as user expected.
7. To stay in business
8. To detect defects early, which helps in reducing the cost of defect fixing?
Cost of Defect Repair
% Cost
Customer Site
How exactly Testing is different from QA/QC
Testing is often confused with the processes of quality control and quality assurance.
§ It is the process of Creating, Implementing and Evaluating tests.
§ Testing measures software quality
§ Testing can find faults. When they are removed, software quality is improved.
Quality Control (QC)
§ It is the process of Inspections, Walk-troughs and Reviews.
§ Measures the quality of the product
§ It is a Detection Process
Quality Analysis (QA )
§ Monitoring and improving the entire SDLC process
§ Make sure that all agreed-upon standards and procedures are followed
§ Ensuring that problems are found and addressed.
§ Measures the quality of the process used to create good quality Product
§ It is a Prevention Process
Why should we need an approach for testing?
Yes, We definitely need an approach for testing.
To over come following problems, we need a formal approach for Testing.
Incomplete functional coverage: Completeness of testing is difficult task for testing team with out a formal approach. Team will not be in a position to announce the percentage of testing completed.
No risk management -- this is no way to measure overall risk issues regarding code coverage and quality metrics. Effective quality assurance measures quality over time and starting from a known base of evaluation.
Too little emphasis on user tasks -- because testers will focus on ideal paths instead of real paths. With no time to prepare, ideal paths are defined according to best guesses or developer feedback rather than by careful consideration of how users will understand the system or how users understand real-world analogues to the application tasks. With no time to prepare, testers will be using a very restricted set input data, rather than using real data (from user activity logs, from logical scenarios, from careful consideration of the concept domain).
Inefficient over the long term -- quality assurance involves a range of tasks. Effective quality assurance programs expand their base of documentation on the product and on the testing process over time, increasing the coverage and granularity of tests over time. Great testing requires good test setup and preparation, but success with the kind Test plan-less approach described in this essay may reinforce bad project and test methodologies. A continued pattern of quick-and-dirty testing like this is a sign that the product or application is unsustainable in the long run.
Areas of Testing:
Black Box Testing
§ Test the correctness of the functionality with the help of Inputs and Outputs.
§ User doesn’t require the knowledge of software code.
§ Black box testing is also called as Functionality Testing.
It attempts to find errors in the following categories:
§ Incorrect or missing functions.
§ Interface errors.
§ Errors in data structures or external data base access.
§ Behavior or performance based errors.
§ Initialization or termination errors.
Equivalence Class:
- For each piece of the specification, generate one or more equivalence Class
- Label the classes as “Valid” or “Invalid”
- Generate one test case for each Invalid Equivalence class
- Generate a test case that covers as many Valid Equivalence Classes as possibleAn input condition for Equivalence Class
- A specific numeric value
- A range of values
- A set of related values
- A Boolean condition
Equivalence classes can be defined using the following guidelines
- If an input condition specifies a range, one valid and two invalid equivalence class are defined.
- If an input condition requires a specific value, one valid and two invalid equivalence classes are defined.
- If an input condition specifies a member of a set, one valid and one invalid equivalence classes are defined.
- If an input condition is Boolean, one valid and one invalid classes are defined.
Boundary Value Analysis
- Generate test cases for the boundary values.
- Minimum Value, Minimum Value + 1, Minimum Value -1
- Maximum Value, Maximum Value + 1, Maximum Value - 1
Error Guessing.
- Generating test cases against to the specification.
White Box Testing
§ Testing the Internal program logic
§ White box testing is also called as Structural testing.
§ User does require the knowledge of software code.
§ Testing all loops
§ Testing Basis paths
§ Testing conditional statements
§ Testing data structures
§ Testing Logic Errors
§ Testing Incorrect assumptions
Structure = 1 Entry + 1 Exit with certain Constraints, Conditions and Loops.
Logic Errors and incorrect assumptions most are likely to be made while coding for
“special cases”. Need to ensure these execution paths are tested.
Basic Path Testing (Cyclomatic Complexity(Mc Cabe Method)
- Measures the logical complexity of a procedural design.
- Provides flow-graph notation to identify independent paths of processing
- Once paths are identified - tests can be developed for - loops, conditions
- Process guarantees that every statement will get executed at least once.
Structure Testing:
- Condition Testing
All logical conditions contained in the program module should be tested.
- Data Flow Testing
Selects test paths according to the location of definitions and use of variables.
- Loop Testing
¨ Simple Loops
¨ Nested Loops
¨ Concatenated Loops
¨ Unstructured Loops
Gray Box Testing.
§ It is just a combination of both Black box & white box testing.
§ It is platform independent and language independent.
§ Used to test embedded systems.
§ Functionality and behavioral parts are tested.
§ Tester should have the knowledge of both the internals and externals of the function
§ If you know something about how the product works on the inside, you can test it better from the outside.
Gray box testing is especially important with Web and Internet applications, because the Internet is built around loosely integrated components that connect via relatively well-defined interfaces. Unless you understand the architecture of the Net, your testing will be skin deep.
1.6 Installation & Maintenance
- File conversion
- New system becomes operational
- Staff training
- Corrective maintenance à A type of maintenance performed to correct a defect
- Perfective maintenance à Reengineering include enhancement
- Adaptive maintenance à To change software so that it will work in an altered environment, such as when an operating system, hardware platform, compiler, software library or database structure changes
Table format of all the phases in SDLC:
Design Doc
Design Doc
.exe File/Application/Website
All the above Doc’s
Defect Report
2. Software Development Life Cycles
Life cycle: Entire duration of a project, from inception to termination
Different life cycle models
2.1. Code-and-fix model:
- Earliest software development approach (1950s)
- Iterative, programmers' approach
- Two phases: 1. coding, 2. fixing the code
No provision for:
- Project planning
- Analysis
- Design
- Testing
- Maintenance
Problems with code-and-fix model:
- After several iterations, code became very poorly structured; subsequent fixes became very expensive
- Even well-designed software often very poorly matched users’ requirements: were rejected or needed to be redeveloped (expensively!)
- Changes to code were expensive, because of poor testing and maintenance practices
- Design before coding
- Requirements analysis before design
- Separate testing and maintenance phases after coding
2.2. Waterfall model:
- Also called the classic life cycle
- Introduced in 1956 to overcome limitations of code-and-fix model
- Very structured, organized approach and suitable for planning
- Waterfall model is a linear approach, quite inflexible
- At each phase, feedback to previous phases is possible (but is discouraged in practice)
- Still is the most widespread model today
Main phases:
- Requirements
- Analysis
- Design (overall design & detailed design)
- Coding
- Testing (unit test, integration test, acceptance test)
- Maintenance
The standard waterfall model for systems development is an approach that goes through the following steps:
1. Document System Concept
2. Identify System Requirements and Analyze them
3. Break the System into Pieces (Architectural Design)
4. Design Each Piece (Detailed Design)
5. Code the System Components and Test Them Individually (Coding, Debugging, and Unit Testing)
6. Integrate the Pieces and Test the System (System Testing)
7. Deploy the System and Operate It
Waterfall Model Assumption
§ The requirements are knowable in advance of implementation.
§ The requirements have no unresolved, high-risk implications
-- e.g., risks due to COTS choices, cost, schedule, performance, safety, security, user interface, organizational impacts
§ The nature of the requirements are compatible with all the key system stakeholders’ expectations
-- e.g., users, customer, developers, maintainers, investors
§ The right architecture for implementing the requirements is well understood.
§ There is enough calendar time to proceed sequentially.
Advantages of Waterfall Model
§ Conversion of existing projects in to new projects.
§ For proven platforms and technologies, it works fine.
§ Suitable for short duration projects.
§ The waterfall model is effective when there is no change in the requirements, and the requirements are fully known .
§ If there is no Rework, this model build a high quality product.
§ The stages are clear cut
§ All R&D done before coding starts, implies better quality program design
Disadvantages with Waterfall Model:
§ Testing is postponed to later stage till coding completes.
§ Not suitable for large projects
§ It assumes uniform and orderly sequence of steps.
§ Risk in certain project where technology itself is a risk.
§ Correction at the end of phase need correction to the previous phase, So rework is more.
§ Real projects rarely flow in a sequential process.
§ It is difficult to define all requirements at the beginning of a project.
§ The model has problems adapting to change.
§ A working version of the system is not seen until late in the project's life.
§ Errors are discovering later (repairing problem further along the lifecycle becomes progressively more expensive).
§ Maintenance cost can be as much as 70% of system costs.
- Delivery only at the end (long wait)
2.3. Prototyping model:
- Introduced to overcome shortcomings of waterfall model
- Suitable to overcome problem of requirements definition
- Prototyping builds an operational model of the planned system, which the customer can evaluate
Main phases:
- Requirements gathering
- Quick design
- Build prototype
- Customer evaluation of prototype
- Refine prototype
- Iterate steps 4. and 5. to "tune" the prototype
- Engineer product
Note: Mostly, the prototype is discarded after step 5. and the actual
system is built from scratch in step 6. (throw-away prototyping)
Possible problems:
- Customer may object to prototype being thrown away and may demand "a few changes" to make it working (results in poor software quality and maintainability)
- Inferior, temporary design solutions may become permanent after a while, when the developer has forgotten that they were only intended to be temporary (results in poor software quality)
§ Helps counter the limitations of waterfall model
§ After prototype is developed, the end user and the client are permitted to use the application and further modifications are done based on their feedback.
§ User oriented
- What the user sees
- Not enigmatic diagrams
- Quicker error feedback
- Earlier training
- Possibility of developing a system that closely addresses users' needs and expectations
- Development costs are high.
- User expectations
- Bypass analysis
- Documentation
- Never ending
- Managing the prototyping process is difficult because of its rapid, iterative nature
- Requires feedback on the prototype
- Incomplete prototypes may be regarded as complete systems
2.4 Incremental:
During the first one-month phase, the development team worked from static visual designs to code a prototype. In focus group meetings, the team discussed users’ needs and the potential features of the product and then showed a demonstration of its prototype. The excellent feedback from these focus groups had a large impact on the quality of the product.
Main phases:
- Define outline Requirements 4. Develop
- Assign requirements to increments 5. Integrate
- Design system architecture 6. Validate
After the second group of focus groups, the feature set was frozen and the product definition complete. Implementation consisted of four-to-six-week cycles, with software delivered for beta use at the end of each cycle. The entire release took 10 months from definition to manufacturing release. Implementation lasted 4.5 months. The result was a world-class product that has won many awards and has been easy to support.
2.5 V-Model:
Verification à (Static System – Doing Right Job) To test the system correctness as to whether the system is being functioning as per specifications.
§ Typically involves in Reviews and Meetings to evaluate documents, plans, code, requirements and specifications.
§ This can be done with checklists, issue lists, walkthroughs and inspection meetings.
Validation à (Dynamic System - Job Right) Testing the system in a real environment i.e, whether software is catering the customers requirements.
§ Typically involves in actual testing and take place after verifications are completed
- Reduces the cost of defect repair (·.· Every document is verified by tester )
- No Ideal time for Testers
- Efficiency of V-model is more when compare to Waterfall Model
- Change management can be effected in V-model
- Risk management is not possible
- Applicable of medium sized projects
2.6 Spiral model:
- Objective: overcome problems of other models, while combining their advantages
- Key component: risk management (because traditional models often fail when risk is neglected)
- Development is done incrementally, in several cycles _ Cycle as often as necessary to finish
Main phases:
- Determine objectives, alternatives for development, and constraints for the portion of the whole system to be developed in the current cycle
- Evaluate alternatives, considering objectives and constraints; identify and resolve risks
- Develop the current cycle's part of the system, using evolutionary or conventional development methods (depending on remaining risks); perform validation at the end
- Prepare plans for subsequent phases
- Spiral Model
This model is very appropriate for large software projects. The model consists of four main parts, or blocks, and the process is shown by a continuous loop going from the outside towards the inside. This shows the progress of the project.
§ Planning
This phase is where the objectives, alternatives, and constraints are determined.
§ Risk Analysis
What happens here is that alternative solutions and constraints are defined, and risks are identified and analyzed. If risk analysis indicates uncertainty in the requirements, the prototyping model might be used to assist the situation.
§ Engineering
Here the customer decides when the next phase of planning and risk analysis occur. If it is determined that the risks are to high, the project can be terminated.
§ Customer Evaluation
In this phase, the customer will assess the engineering results and make changes if necessary.
Spiral model flexibility
- Well-understood systems (low technical risk) - Waterfall model. Risk analysis phase is relatively cheap
- Stable requirements and formal specification. Safety criticality - Formal transformation model
- High UI risk, incomplete specification - prototyping model
- Hybrid models accommodated for different parts of the project
Advantages of spiral model:
- Good for large and complex projects
- Customer Evaluation allows for any changes deemed necessary, or would allow for new technological advances to be used
- Allows customer and developer to determine and to react to risks at each evolutionary level
- Direct consideration of risks at all levels greatly reduces problems
Problems with spiral model:
- Difficult to convince customer that this approach is controllable
- Requires significant risk assessment expertise to succeed
- Not yet widely used efficacy not yet proven
- If a risk is not discovered, problems will surely occur
3. Testing Life Cycle
A systemic approach for Testing
3.1 System Study
- Domain Knowledge :- Used to know about the client business
Banking / Finance / Insurance / Real-estates / ERP / CRM / Others
- Software : -
- Front End (GUI) VB / JAVA/ FORMS / Browser
- Process Language witch we want to write programmes
- Back End Database like Oracle, SQL Server etc.
3. Hardware: - Internet/ Intranet/ Servers which you want to install.
4. Functional Points: - Ten Lines Of Code (LOC) = 1 Functional Point.
5. Number of Pages: - The document which you want to prepare.
6. Number of Resources : -Like Programmers, Designers, and Managers.
7. Number of Days: - For actual completion of the Project.
8. Numbers of Modules
9. Priority:- High/ Medium/ Low importance for Modules
3.2 Scope/ Approach/ Estimation:
- What to test
- What not to test
- Methods, tools and techniques used to accomplish test objectives.
- Estimation should be done based on LOC/ FP/Resources
- 1000 LOC = 100 FP (by considering 10 LOC = 1 FP)
- 100 x 3 = 300 (FP x 3 Tech. = Test Cases)
The 3 Tech are
1. Equivalence Class
2. Boundary Value Analysis
3. Error Guessing.
- 30 TC Par Day => 300/30 = 10 Days to Design Test Cases
- Test Case Review => ½ of Test Case Design (5 Days)
- Test Case Execution = 1 ½ of Test Case Design(15 Days)
- Defect Headlining = Test Case Design (5 Days)
- Test Plan = 5 days ( 1 week )
- Buffer Time = 25% of Estimation
3.3 Test Plan Design:
- A test plan prescribes the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of testing activities.
- The Test Plan Design document helps in test execution it contain
1. About the client and company
2. Reference document (BRS, FRS and UI etc.)
3. Scope (What to be tested and what not to be )
4. Overview of Application
5. Testing approach (Testing strategy)
6. For each testing
¨ Definition
¨ Technique
¨ Start criteria
¨ Stop criteria
7. Resources and there Roles and Responsibilities
8. Defect definition
9. Risk / Contingency / Mitigation Plan
10. Training Required
11. Schedules
12. Deliverables
3.4 Test Cases Design:
What is a test case?
Test case is a description of what to be tested, what data to be given and what actions to be done to check the actual result against the expected result.
What are the items of test case?
- Test Case Number
- Pre-Condition
- Description
- Expected Result
- Actual Result
- Status (Pass/Fail)
- Remarks.
Test Case Template
Expected Result
Actual Result
Unique Test Case number
Condition to satisfied
As pear FSR
System response
Pass or
If any
Yahoo web page should displayed
1. Check inbox is displayed
2. User ID/PW
3. Click on Submit
System should mail box
System response
Types of Test Cases
1. Requirement Based
2. Design based
Logical system
3. Code based
4. Extracted
Existing files or test cases
5. Extreme
Limits and boundary conditions
Can this test cases reusable?
Test cases developed for functionality testing and can be reusable for
Integration- System
- Regression
- Performance
What are the characteristics of good test case?
A good test case should have the following:
- TC should start with “what you are testing”.
- TC should be independent.
- TC should not contain “If” statements.
- TC should be uniform. (Convention should be followed same across the Project Eg. <Action Buttons> , Links…
The following issues should be considered while writing the test cases
- All the TC’s should be traceable.
- There should not be any duplicate test cases.
- Out dated test cases should be cleared off.
- All the test cases should be executable.
Test case Guidelines
- Developed to verify that specific requirements or design are satisfied
- Each component must be tested with at least two test cases: Positive and Negative
- Real data should be used to reality test the modules after successful test data is used
3.5 Test Case Review:
- Peer to peer Reviews
- Team Lead Review
- Team Manager Review
Review Process
3.6 Test Case Execution:
- Test execution is completion of testing activities, which involves executing the planned test cases and conducting of the tests.
- Test execution phase broadly involves execution and reporting.
- Execution and execution results plays a vital role in the testing.
Test execution consists of following activities to be performed
1. Creation of test setup or Test bed
2. Execution of test cases on the setup
3. Test Methodology used
4. Collection of Metrics
5. Defect Tracking and Reporting
6. Regression Testing
The following activities should be taken care:
1. Number of test cases executed.
2. Number of defects found
3. Screen shoots of failure executions should be taken in word document.
4. Time taken to execute.
5. Time wasted due to the unavailability of the system.
Test Case Execution Process:
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3.7 Defect Handling
What is Defect?
· Defect is a coding error in a computer program.
· A software error is present when the program does not do what its end user expects it to do.
Who can report a Defect?
Anyone who has involved in software development life cycle and who is using the software can report a Defect. In most of the cases defects are reported by Testing Team.
A short list of people expected to report bugs:
- Testers / QA Engineers
- Developers
- Technical Support
- End Users
- Sales and Marketing Engineers
Defect Reporting
- Defect or Bug Report is the medium of communication between the tester and the programmer
- Provides clarity to the management, particularly at the summary level
- Defect Report should be accurate, concise, thoroughly-edited, well conceived, high-quality technical document
- The problem should be described in a way that maximizes the probability that it will be fixed
- Defect Report should be non-judgmental and should not point finger at the programmer
- Crisp Defect Reporting process improves the test team’s communications with the senior and peer management
Defect Life Cycle
§ Defect Life Cycle helps in handling defects efficiently.
§ This DLC will help the users to know the status of the defect
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Types of Defects
- Cosmetic flaw
- Data corruption
- Data loss
- Documentation Issue
- Incorrect Operation
- Installation Problem
- Missing Feature
- Slow Performance
- System Crash
- Unexpected Behavior
- Unfriendly behavior
How do u decide the Severity of the defect
Severity Level
Response Time or Turn-around Time
A defect occurred due to the inability of a key function to perform. This problem causes the system hang it halts (crash), or the user is dropped out of the system. An immediate fix or work around is needed from development so that testing can continue.
Defect should be responded to within 24 hours and the situation should be resolved test exit
A defect occurred which severely restricts the system such as the inability to use a major function of the system. There is no acceptable work-around but the problem does not inhibit the testing of other functions
A response or action plan should be provided within 3 working days and the situation should be resolved before test exit.
Severity Level
Response Time or Turn-around Time
A defect is occurred which places minor restrict on a function that is not critical. There is an acceptable work-around for the defect.
A response or action plan should be provided within 5 working days and the situation should be resolved before test exit.
An incident occurred which places no restrictions on any function of the system. No immediate impact to testing.
A Design issue or Requirements not definitively detailed in project.
The fix dates are subject to negotiation.
An action plan should be provided for next release or future enhancement
Defect Severity VS Defect Priority
- The General rule for the fixing the defects will depend on the Severity.
- All the High Severity Defects should be fixed first.
- This may not be the same in all cases some times even though severity of the bug is high it may not be take as the High priority.
- At the same time the low severity bug may be considered as high priority.
Defect Tracking Sheet
Defect No
Unique No
Dec of Bug
Birth place of the Bug
Defect Tracking Tools
§ Bug Tracker -- BSL Proprietary Tools
- Rational Clear Quest
- Test Director
3.8 Gap Analysis:
Test Case
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BRS01 – SRS01
2. SRS Vs TC
SRS01 – TC01
- TC02
- TC03
3. TC Vs Defects
TC01 – Defects01
-- Defects02
3.9 Deliverables:
All the documents witch are prepared in each and every stage.
- Use Cases
- Test Plain
- Defect Report
- Review Report etc.,
4 Testing Phases
§ Requirement Analysis Testing
§ Design Testing
§ Unit Testing
§ Integration Testing
§ System Testing
§ Acceptance Testing
4.1 Requirement Analysis Testing
- The objective of Requirement AnalysisTesting is to ensure software quality by eradicating errors as earlier as possible in the developement process
- If the errors noticed at the end of the software life cycle are more costly compared to that of early ones, and there by validating each of the Outputs.
The objective can be acheived by three basic issues:
- Correctness
- Completeness
- Consistency
Types of requirements
- Functional Requirements
- Data Requirements
- Look and Feel requirements
- Usability requirements
- Performance Requirements
- Operational requirements
- Maintainability requirements
- Security requirements
- Scalability requirements
Difficulties in conducting requirements analysis:
- Analyst not prepared
- Customer has no time/interest
- Incorrect customer personnel involved
- Insufficient time allotted in project schedule
What constitutes “good” requirements?
Clear → Unambiguous terminology
Concise → No unnecessary narrative or non-relevant facts
Consistent→ Requirements that are similar are stated in similar terms.
Requirements do not conflict with each other.
Complete → All functionality needed to satisfy the goals of the system is
specified to a level of detail sufficient for design to take place
Testing related activities during Requirement phase
- Creation and finalization of testing templates
- Creation of over-all Test Plan and Test Strategy
- Capturing Acceptance criteria and preparation of Acceptance Test Plan
- Capturing Performance criteria of the software requirements
4.2 Design Testing
- The objective of the design phase testing is to generate a complete specifications for implementing a system using a set of tools and languages
Design objective is fulfilled by five issues
- Consistency
- Completeness
- Correctness
- Feasibility
- Tractability
Testing activities in Design phase
- Develop Test cases to ensure that product is on par with Requirement Specification document.
- Verify Test Cases & test scripts by peer reviews.
- Preparation of traceability matrix from system requirements
4.3 Unit Testing
- In Unit testing user is supposed to check each and every micro function.
- All field level validations are expected to test at the stage of testing.
- In most of the cases Developer will do this.
The objective can be achieved by the following issues
- Correctness
- Completeness
- Early Testing
- Debugging
4.4 Integration Testing:
- The primary objective of integration testing is to discover errors in the interfaces between Modules/Sub-Systems (Host & Client Interfaces).
- Minimizing the errors which include internal and external Interface errors
Top-Down Approach
The integration process is performed in a series of 5 steps
- The main control module is used as a test driver, and stubs are substituted for all modules directly subordinate to the main control module.
- Depending on the integration approach selected (depth or breadth-first) subordinate stubs are replaced at a time with actual modules.
- Tests are conducted as each module is module is integrated.
- One completion of each set of tests, another stub is replaced with the real-module.
- Regression testing may be conducted to ensure that new errors have not been introduced.
- We can verify the major controls early in the testing Process
- Stubs are required. Very difficult to develop stubs
Bottom-Up Approach.
A bottom-up integration strategy may be implemented with the following steps:
- Low level modules are combined into clusters (Some times called builds) that perform a specific software sub function.
- A driver (control program for testing) is written to coordinate test case input and output.
- The cluster is tested.
- Drivers are removed and clusters are combined upward in the program structure
- Easy to Develop the drivers than stubs
- The need of test drivers
- Late detection of interface problems
An integration testing is conducted, the tester should identify critical modules. A critical module has one or more of the following characteristics:
- Address several software requirements.
- Has a high-level of control. (resides relatively high in the program structure)
- Complex & Error-Phone.
- Have definite performance requirements.
Testing activities in Integration Testing Phase
- This testing is conducted in parallel with integration of various applications (or components)
- Testing the product with its external and internal interfaces without using drivers and stubs.
- Incremental approach while integrating the interfaces.
4.5 System Testing:
- The primary objective of system testing is to discover errors when the system is tested as a hole.
- System testing is also called as End-End Testing.
- User is expected to test from Login-To-Logout by covering various business functionalities.
The following Tests will be conducted in Systemtesting
- Recovery Testing.
- Security Testing.
- Load & Stress Testing.
- Functional Testing
Testing activities in System Testing phase
- System test is done for validating the product with respect to client requirements
- Testing can be in multiple rounds
- Defect found during system test should be logged into Defect Tracking System for the purpose of tracking.
- Test logs and defects are captured and maintained.
- Review of all the test documents
Approach: IDO Model
- Identifying the End-End/Business Life Cycles.
- Design the test and data.
- Optimize the End-End/Business Life Cycles.
4.6 Acceptance Testing:
- The primary objective of acceptance testing is to get the acceptance from the client.
- Testing the system behavior against customer’s requirements
- Customers undertake typical tasks to check their requirements
- Done at the customer’s premises on the user environment
Acceptance Testing Types
Alpha Testing
§ Testing the application on the developer’s premises itself in a controlled environment.
§ Generally, the Quality Assurance cell is the body that is responsible for conducting the test.
§ On successful completion of this phase, the software is ready to migrate outside the developer’s premises.
Beta Testing
§ It is carried out at one or more user’s premises using their infrastructure in an uncontrolled manner.
§ It is the customer or his representative that conducts the test, with/without the developer around. As and bugs are uncovered, the developer is notified about the same.
§ This phase enables the developer to modify the code so as to alleviate any remaining bugs before the final ‘official’ release.
Approach: BE
§ Building a team with real-time user, functional users and developers.
§ Execution of business Test Cases.
When Should we start writing Test Cases/ Testing
V Model is the most suitable way to start writing Test Cases and conduct Testing.
SDLC Phase
Requirements Freeze
Build |
Business Requirements Docs
Acceptance Test Cases
Acceptance Testing
Software Requirements Docs
System Test Cases
System testing
Design Requirements Docs
Integration test Cases
Integration Testing
Unit Test Cases
Unit Testing
5 Testing Methods
5.1 Functionality Testing:
- Testing the functionality of the application with the help of input and out put
- Test against system requirements.
- To confirm all the requirements are covered.
- Equivalence Class
- Boundary Value Analysis
- Error Guessing.
5.2 Usability Testing:
- To test the Easiness and User-friendliness of the system.
- Qualitative & Quantitative
- Qualitative Approach:
Qualitative Approach
§ Each and every function should available from all the pages of the site.
§ User should able to submit each and every request with in 4-5 actions.
§ Confirmation message should be displayed for each and every submit.
Quantitative Approach:
§ Heuristic Checklist should be prepared with all the general test cases that fall under the classification of checking.
§ This generic test cases should be given to 10 different people and ask to execute the system to mark the pass/fail status.
§ The average of 10 different people should be considered as the final result.
Example: Some people may feel system is more users friendly, If the submit is button on the left side of the screen. At the same time some other may feel its better if the submit button is placed on the right side.
Classification of Checking:
- Clarity of communication.
- Accessibility
- Consistency
- Navigation
- Design & Maintenance
- Visual Representation.
5.3 Reliability Testing:
- Reliability is considered as the probability of failure-free operation for a specified time in a specified environment for a given purpose
- To find Mean Time between failure/time available under specific load pattern. Mean time for recovery.
- By performing the continuous hours of operation.
- More then 85% of the stability is must.
Reliability Testing helps you to confirm:
§ Business logic performs as expected
§ Active buttons are really active
- Correct menu options are available
- Reliable hyper links
Note: This should be done by using performance testing tools
5.4 Regression Testing:
- Objective is to check the new functionalities has incorporated correctly with out failing the existing functionalities.
- RAD – In case of Rapid Application development Regression Test plays a vital role as the total development happens in bits and pieces.
- Testing the code problems have been fixed correctly or not.
§ Manual Testing (By using impact Analysis)
§ Automation tools
5.5 Performance Testing:
§ Primary objective of the performance testing is “to demonstrate the system works functionally as per specifications with in given response time on a production sized database.
§ Assessing the system capacity for growth.
§ Identifying weak points in the architecture
§ Detect obscure bugs in software
§ Tuning the system
§ Verify resilience & reliability
Performance Parameters
- Request-Response Time
- Transactions per Second
- Turn Around time
- Page down load time
- Through Put
§ Usage of Automation Tools
Classification of Performance Testing:
§ Load Test
§ Volume Test
§ Stress Test
Load Testing
- Estimating the design capacity of the system within the resources limit
- Approach is Load Profile
Volume Testing
- Is the process of feeding a program with heavy volume of data.
- Approach is data profile
Stress Testing
- Estimating the breakdown point of the system beyond the resources limit.
- Repeatedly working on the same functionality
- Critical Query Execution (Join Queries) To Emulate peak load.
Load Vs Stress:
- With the Simple Scenario (Functional Query), N number of people working on it will not enforce stress on the server.
- A complex scenario with even one less number of users will stress the server.
5.6 Scalability Testing:
§ Objective is to find the maximum number of user system can handle.
§ Network Scalability
§ Server Scalability
§ Application Scalability
§ Performance Tools
5.7 Compatibility Testing:
Compatibility testing provides a basic understanding of how a product will perform over a wide range of hardware, software & network configuration and to isolate the specific problems.
§ Environment Selection.
¨ Understanding the end users
¨ Importance of selecting both old browser and new browsers
¨ Selection of the Operating System
§ Test Bed Creation
¨ Partition of the hard disk.
¨ Creation of Base Image
5.8 Security Testing:
§ Testing how well the system protects against unauthorized internal or external access.
§ Verify how easily a system is subject to security violations under different conditions and environments
§ During Security testing, password cracking, unauthorized entry into the software, network security are all taken into consideration.
5.8 Installation Testing:
§ Installation testing is performed to ensure that all Install features and options function properly and to verify that all necessary components of the application are installed.
§ The uninstallation of the product also needs to be tested to ensure that all data, executables, and .DLLs are removed.
§ The uninstallation of the application is tested using DOS command line, Add/Remove programs, and manual deletion of files
5.9 Adhoc Testing
§ Testing carried out using no recognized test case design technique.
5.10 Exhaustive Testing
§ Testing the application with all possible combinations of values for program variables.
§ Feasible only for small, simple programs.
6 Performance Life Cycle
6.1 What is Performance Testing?
§ Primary objective of the performance testing is “to demonstrate the system works functionally as per specifications with in given response time on a production sized database
6.2 Why Performance Testing:
§ To assess the system capacity for growth
The load and response data gained from the tests can be used to validate the capacity planning model and assist decision making.
§ To identify weak points in the architecture
The controlled load can be increased to extreme levels to stress the architecture and break it bottlenecks and weak components can be fixed or replaced
§ To detect obscure bugs in software
Tests executed for extended periods can cause failures caused by memory leaks and reveal obscure contention problems or conflicts
§ To tune the system
Repeat runs of tests can be performed to verify that tuning activities are having the desired effect – improving performance.
§ To verify resilience & reliability
Executing tests at production loads for extended periods is the only way to access the systems resilience and reliability to ensure required service levels are likely to be met.
6.3 Performance-Tests:
§ Used to test each part of the web application to find out what parts of the website are slow and how we can make them faster.
6.4 Load-Tests:
§ This type of test is done to test the website using the load that the customer expects to have on his site. This is something like a “real world test” of the website.
§ First we have to define the maximum request times we want the customers to experience, this is done from the business and usability point of view, not from a technical point of view. At this point we need to calculate the impact of a slow website on the company sales and support costs.
§ Then we have to calculate the anticipated load and load pattern for the website (Refer Annexure I for details on load calculation) which we then simulate using the Tool.
§ At the end we compare the test results with the requests times we wanted to achieve.
6.5 Stress-Tests:
- They simulate brute force attacks with excessive load on the web server. In the real world situations like this can be created by a massive spike of users – far above the normal usage – e.g. caused by a large referrer (imagine the website being mentioned on national TV…).
- The goals of stress tests are to learn under what load the server generates errors, whether it will come back online after such a massive spike at all or crash and when it will come back online.
6.6 When should we start Performance Testing:
- It is even a good idea to start performance testing before a line of code is written at all! Early testing the base technology (network, load balancer, application-, database- and web-servers) for the load levels can save a lot of money when you can already discover at this moment that your hardware is to slow. Also the first stress tests can be a good idea at this point.
- The costs for correcting a performance problem rise steeply from the start of development until the website goes productive and can be unbelievable high for a website already online.
- As soon as several web pages are working the first load tests should be conducted and from there on should be part of the regular testing routine each day or week or for each build of the software.
6.7 Popular tools used to conduct Performance Testing:
- LoadRunner from Mercury Interactive
- AstraLoad from Mercury Interactive
- Silk Performer from Segue
- Rational Suite Test Studio from Rational
- Rational Site Load from Rational
- Webload from Radview
- RSW eSuite from Empirix
- MS Stress tool from Microsoft
Level 5: Optimized
The focus is on continuous process improvement. The impact of new processes and technologies can be predicted and effectively implemented when required.
The Optimized level having3 key processing areas.
¨ Defect prevention
¨ Technology change management
¨ Process change management
Perspective on CMM ratings: During 1997-2001, 1018 organizations were assessed.
Level 1
| 27%
Level 2
| 39%
Level 3
| 23%
Level 4
| 4%
Level 5
| 5%
CMM-I(Capability Maturity Model-Integration): CMM-I is an advanced version of capability Maturity Model(CMM). It has four components. They are
1. Software Engineering
2. Software Integrated
3. Product process development
4. Software Acquisition
There is a significant difference between CMM and CMM-I . Two major factors
1. Risk Identification
2. Decision Analysis
Note: CMM is being used in over 5000 organizations worldwide. Only 120 organizations worldwide are at CMM level5.
SEI-CMM (Software Engineering Institute-Capability Maturity Model): It is a frame work for Software Development
P-CMM(People-Capability Maturity Model): Focus on People-Related process. Such as performance management, training and development, recruitment, staffing and the interoperability between different roles with in a services Organization.
ISO(International Organisation for Standardization)
§ The ISO 9001:2000 standard concerns quality systems that are assessed by outside auditors, and it applies to many kinds of production and manufacturing organizations, not just software.
§ It covers documentation, design, development, production, testing, installation, servicing, and other processes.
§ The full set of standards consists of
¨ Q9001-2000 - Quality Management Systems: Requirements
¨ Q9000-2000 - Quality Management Systems: Fundamentals and Vocabulary
¨ Q9004-2000 - Quality Management Systems: Guidelines for Performance Improvements.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers')
IEEE/ANSI Standard 829: IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation
IEEE/ANSI Standard 1008: IEEE Standard of Software Unit Testing
IEEE/ANSI Standard 730: IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans.
12. Bug Report Template
13 Testing Glossary
Acceptance Testing: Formal testing conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies its acceptance criteria—enables an end user to determine whether or not to accept the system.
Affinity Diagram: A group process that takes large amounts of language data, such as a list developed by brainstorming, and divides it into categories.
Alpha Testing: Testing of a software product or system conducted at the developer’s site by the end user.
Audit: An inspection/assessment activity that verifies compliance with plans, policies, and procedures, and ensures that resources are conserved. Audit is a staff function; it serves as the “eyes and ears” of management.
Automated Testing: That part of software testing that is assisted with software tool(s) that does not require operator input, analysis, or evaluation.
Beta Testing: Testing conducted at one or more end user sites by the end user of a delivered software product or system.
Black-box Testing: Functional testing based on requirements with no knowledge of the internal program structure or data. Also known as closed-box testing. Black box testing indicates whether or not a program meets required specifications by spotting faults of omission -- places where the specification is not fulfilled.
Bottom-up Testing: An integration testing technique that tests the low-level components first using test drivers for those components that have not yet been developed to call the low-level components for test.
Boundary Value Analysis: A test data selection technique in which values are chosen to lie along data extremes. Boundary values include maximum, mini-mum, just inside/outside boundaries, typical values, and error values.
Brainstorming: A group process for generating creative and diverse ideas.
Branch Coverage Testing: A test method satisfying coverage criteria that requires each decision point at each possible branch to be executed at least once.
Bug: A design flaw that will result in symptoms exhibited by some object (the object under test or some other object) when an object is subjected to an appropriate test.
Cause-and-Effect (Fishbone) Diagram: A tool used to identify possible causes of a problem by representing the relationship between some effect and its possible cause.
Cause-effect Graphing: A testing technique that aids in selecting, in a systematic way, a high-yield set of test cases that logically relates causes to effects to produce test cases. It has a beneficial side effect in pointing out incompleteness and ambiguities in specifications.
Checksheet: A form used to record data as it is gathered.
Clear-box Testing: Another term for white-box testing. Structural testing is sometimes referred to as clear-box testing, since “white boxes” are considered opaque and do not really permit visibility into the code. This is also known as glass-box or open-box testing.
Client: The end user that pays for the product received, and receives the benefit from the use of the product.
Control Chart: A statistical method for distinguishing between common and special cause variation exhibited by processes.
Customer (end user): The individual or organization, internal or external to the producing organization, that receives the product.
Cyclomatic Complexity: A measure of the number of linearly independent paths through a program module.
Data Flow Analysis: Consists of the graphical analysis of collections of (sequential) data definitions and reference patterns to determine constraints that can be placed on data values at various points of executing the source program.
Debugging: The act of attempting to determine the cause of the symptoms of malfunctions detected by testing or by frenzied user complaints.
Defect: NOTE: Operationally, it is useful to work with two definitions of a defect:
1) From the producer’s viewpoint: a product requirement that has not been met or a product attribute possessed by a product or a function performed by a product that is not in the statement of requirements that define the product.
2) From the end user’s viewpoint: anything that causes end user dissatisfaction, whether in the statement of requirements or not.
1) From the producer’s viewpoint: a product requirement that has not been met or a product attribute possessed by a product or a function performed by a product that is not in the statement of requirements that define the product.
2) From the end user’s viewpoint: anything that causes end user dissatisfaction, whether in the statement of requirements or not.
Defect Analysis: Using defects as data for continuous quality improvement. Defect analysis generally seeks to classify defects into categories and identify possible causes in order to direct process improvement efforts.
Defect Density: Ratio of the number of defects to program length (a relative number).
Desk Checking: A form of manual static analysis usually performed by the originator. Source code documentation, etc., is visually checked against requirements and standards.
Dynamic Analysis: The process of evaluating a program based on execution of that program. Dynamic analysis approaches rely on executing a piece of software with selected test data.
Dynamic Testing: Verification or validation performed which executes the system’s code.
Error: 1) A discrepancy between a computed, observed, or measured value or condition and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or condition; and
2) a mental mistake made by a programmer that may result in a program fault.
2) a mental mistake made by a programmer that may result in a program fault.
Error-based Testing: Testing where information about programming style, error-prone language constructs, and other programming knowledge is applied to select test data capable of detecting faults, either a specified class of faults or all possible faults.
Evaluation: The process of examining a system or system component to determine the extent to which specified properties are present.
Execution: The process of a computer carrying out an instruction or instructions of a computer.
Exhaustive Testing: Executing the program with all possible combinations of values for program variables.
Failure: The inability of a system or system component to perform a required function within specified limits. A failure may be produced when a fault is encountered.
Failure-directed Testing: Testing based on the knowledge of the types of errors made in the past that are likely for the system under test.
Fault: A manifestation of an error in software. A fault, if encountered, may cause a failure.
Fault Tree Analysis: A form of safety analysis that assesses hardware safety to provide failure statistics and sensitivity analyses that indicate the possible effect of critical failures.
Fault-based Testing: Testing that employs a test data selection strategy designed to generate test data capable of demonstrating the absence of a set of pre-specified faults, typically, frequently occurring faults.
Flowchart: A diagram showing the sequential steps of a process or of a workflow around a product or service.
Formal Review: A technical review conducted with the end user, including the types of reviews called for in the standards.
Function Points: A consistent measure of software size based on user requirements. Data components include inputs, outputs, etc. Environment characteristics include data communications, performance, reusability, operational ease, etc. Weight scale: 0 = not present; 1 = minor influence, 5 = strong influence.
Functional Testing: Application of test data derived from the specified functional requirements without regard to the final program structure. Also known as black-box testing.
Heuristics Testing: Another term for failure-directed testing.
Histogram: A graphical description of individual measured values in a data set that is organized according to the frequency or relative frequency of occurrence. A histogram illustrates the shape of the distribution of individual values in a data set along with information regarding the average and variation.
Hybrid Testing: A combination of top-down testing combined with bottom-up testing of prioritized or available components.
Incremental Analysis: Incremental analysis occurs when (partial) analysis may be performed on an incomplete product to allow early feedback on the development of that product.
Infeasible Path: Program statement sequence that can never be executed.
Inputs: Products, services, or information needed from suppliers to make a process work.
Inspection: 1) A formal evaluation technique in which software requirements, design, or code are examined in detail by a person or group other than the author to detect faults, violations of development standards, and other problems.
2) A quality improvement process for written material that consists of two dominant components: product (document) improvement and process improvement (document production and inspection).
2) A quality improvement process for written material that consists of two dominant components: product (document) improvement and process improvement (document production and inspection).
Instrument: To install or insert devices or instructions into hardware or software to monitor the operation of a system or component.
Integration: The process of combining software components or hardware components, or both, into an overall system.
Integration Testing: An orderly progression of testing in which software components or hardware components, or both, are combined and tested until the entire system has been integrated.
Interface: A shared boundary. An interface might be a hardware component to link two devices, or it might be a portion of storage or registers accessed by two or more computer programs.
Interface Analysis: Checks the interfaces between program elements for consistency and adherence to predefined rules or axioms.
Intrusive Testing: Testing that collects timing and processing information during program execution that may change the behavior of the software from its behavior in a real environment. Usually involves additional code embedded in the software being tested or additional processes running concurrently with software being tested on the same platform.
IV&V: Independent verification and validation is the verification and validation of a software product by an organization that is both technically and managerially separate from the organization responsible for developing the product.
Life Cycle: The period that starts when a software product is conceived and ends when the product is no longer available for use. The software life cycle typically includes a requirements phase, design phase, implementation (code) phase, test phase, installation and checkout phase, operation and maintenance phase, and a retirement phase.
Manual Testing: That part of software testing that requires operator input, analysis, or evaluation.
Mean: A value derived by adding several qualities and dividing the sum by the number of these quantities.
Measurement: 1) The act or process of measuring. A figure, extent, or amount obtained by measuring.
Metric: A measure of the extent or degree to which a product possesses and exhibits a certain quality, property, or attribute.
Mutation Testing: A method to determine test set thoroughness by measuring the extent to which a test set can discriminate the program from slight variants of the program.
Non-intrusive Testing: Testing that is transparent to the software under test; i.e., testing that does not change the timing or processing characteristics of the software under test from its behavior in a real environment. Usually involves additional hardware that collects timing or processing information and processes that information on another platform.
Operational Requirements: Qualitative and quantitative parameters that specify the desired operational capabilities of a system and serve as a basis for deter-mining the operational effectiveness and suitability of a system prior to deployment.
Operational Testing: Testing performed by the end user on software in its normal operating environment.
Outputs: Products, services, or information supplied to meet end user needs.
Path Analysis: Program analysis performed to identify all possible paths through a program, to detect incomplete paths, or to discover portions of the program that are not on any path.
Path Coverage Testing: A test method satisfying coverage criteria that each logical path through the program is tested. Paths through the program often are grouped into a finite set of classes; one path from each class is tested.
Peer Reviews: A methodical examination of software work products by the producer’s peers to identify defects and areas where changes are needed.
Policy: Managerial desires and intents concerning either process (intended objectives) or products (desired attributes).
Problem: Any deviation from defined standards. Same as defect.
Procedure: The step-by-step method followed to ensure that standards are met.
Process: The work effort that produces a product. This includes efforts of people and equipment guided by policies, standards, and procedures.
Process Improvement: To change a process to make the process produce a given product faster, more economically, or of higher quality. Such changes may require the product to be changed. The defect rate must be maintained or reduced.
Product: The output of a process; the work product. There are three useful classes of products: manufactured products (standard and custom), administrative/ information products (invoices, letters, etc.), and service products (physical, intellectual, physiological, and psychological). Products are defined by a statement of requirements; they are produced by one or more people working in a process.
Product Improvement: To change the statement of requirements that defines a product to make the product more satisfying and attractive to the end user (more competitive). Such changes may add to or delete from the list of attributes and/or the list of functions defining a product. Such changes frequently require the process to be changed. NOTE: This process could result in a totally new product.
Productivity: The ratio of the output of a process to the input, usually measured in the same units. It is frequently useful to compare the value added to a product by a process to the value of the input resources required (using fair market values for both input and output).
Proof Checker: A program that checks formal proofs of program properties for logical correctness.
Prototyping: Evaluating requirements or designs at the conceptualization phase, the requirements analysis phase, or design phase by quickly building scaled-down components of the intended system to obtain rapid feedback of analysis and design decisions.
Qualification Testing: Formal testing, usually conducted by the developer for the end user, to demonstrate that the software meets its specified requirements.
Quality: A product is a quality product if it is defect free. To the producer a product is a quality product if it meets or conforms to the statement of requirements that defines the product. This statement is usually shortened to “quality means meets requirements. NOTE: Operationally, the work quality refers to products.
Quality Assurance (QA): The set of support activities (including facilitation, training, measurement, and analysis) needed to provide adequate confidence that processes are established and continuously improved in order to produce products that meet specifications and are fit for use.
Quality Control (QC): The process by which product quality is compared with applicable standards; and the action taken when nonconformance is detected. Its focus is defect detection and removal. This is a line function, that is, the performance of these tasks is the responsibility of the people working within the process.
Quality Improvement: To change a production process so that the rate at which defective products (defects) are produced is reduced. Some process changes may require the product to be changed.
Random Testing: An essentially black-box testing approach in which a program is tested by randomly choosing a subset of all possible input values. The distribution may be arbitrary or may attempt to accurately reflect the distribution of inputs in the application environment.
Regression Testing: Selective retesting to detect faults introduced during modification of a system or system component, to verify that modifications have not caused unintended adverse effects, or to verify that a modified system or system component still meets its specified requirements.
Reliability: The probability of failure-free operation for a specified period.
Requirement: A formal statement of: 1) an attribute to be possessed by the product or a function to be performed by the product; the performance standard for the attribute or function; or 3) the measuring process to be used in verifying that the standard has been met.
Review: A way to use the diversity and power of a group of people to point out needed improvements in a product or confirm those parts of a product in which improvement is either not desired or not needed. A review is a general work product evaluation technique that includes desk checking, walkthroughs, technical reviews, peer reviews, formal reviews, and inspections.
Run Chart: A graph of data points in chronological order used to illustrate trends or cycles of the characteristic being measured for the purpose of suggesting an assignable cause rather than random variation.
Scatter Plot (correlation diagram): A graph designed to show whether there is a relationship between two changing factors.
Semantics: 1) The relationship of characters or a group of characters to their meanings, independent of the manner of their interpretation and use.
2) The relationships between symbols and their meanings.
2) The relationships between symbols and their meanings.
Software Characteristic: An inherent, possibly accidental, trait, quality, or property of software (for example, functionality, performance, attributes, design constraints, number of states, lines of branches).
Software Feature: A software characteristic specified or implied by requirements documentation (for example, functionality, performance, attributes, or design constraints).
Software Tool: A computer program used to help develop, test, analyze, or maintain another computer program or its documentation; e.g., automated design tools, compilers, test tools, and maintenance tools.
Standards: The measure used to evaluate products and identify nonconformance. The basis upon which adherence to policies is measured.
Standardize: Procedures are implemented to ensure that the output of a process is maintained at a desired level.
Statement Coverage Testing: A test method satisfying coverage criteria that requires each statement be executed at least once.
Statement of Requirements: The exhaustive list of requirements that define a product. NOTE: The statement of requirements should document requirements proposed and rejected (including the reason for the rejection) during the requirements determination process.
Static Testing: Verification performed without executing the system’s code. Also called static analysis.
Statistical Process Control: The use of statistical techniques and tools to measure an ongoing process for change or stability.
Structural Coverage: This requires that each pair of module invocations be executed at least once.
Structural Testing: A testing method where the test data is derived solely from the program structure.
Stub: A software component that usually minimally simulates the actions of called components that have not yet been integrated during top-down testing.
Supplier: An individual or organization that supplies inputs needed to generate a product, service, or information to an end user.
Syntax: 1) The relationship among characters or groups of characters independent of their meanings or the manner of their interpretation and use;
2) the structure of expressions in a language; and
3) the rules governing the structure of the language.
2) the structure of expressions in a language; and
3) the rules governing the structure of the language.
System: A collection of people, machines, and methods organized to accomplish a set of specified functions.
System Simulation: Another name for prototyping.
System Testing: The process of testing an integrated hardware and software system to verify that the system meets its specified requirements.
Technical Review: A review that refers to content of the technical material being reviewed.
Test Bed: 1) An environment that contains the integral hardware, instrumentation, simulators, software tools, and other support elements needed to conduct a test of a logically or physically separate component.
2) A suite of test programs used in conducting the test of a component or system.
2) A suite of test programs used in conducting the test of a component or system.
Test Case: The definition of test case differs from company to company, engineer to engineer, and even project to project. A test case usually includes an identified set of information about observable states, conditions, events, and data, including inputs and expected outputs.
Test Development: The development of anything required to conduct testing. This may include test requirements (objectives), strategies, processes, plans, software, procedures, cases, documentation, etc.
Test Executive: Another term for test harness.
Test Harness: A software tool that enables the testing of software components that links test capabilities to perform specific tests, accept program inputs, simulate missing components, compare actual outputs with expected outputs to determine correctness, and report discrepancies.
Test Objective: An identified set of software features to be measured under specified conditions by comparing actual behavior with the required behavior described in the software documentation.
Test Plan: A formal or informal plan to be followed to assure the controlled testing of the product under test.
Test Procedure: The formal or informal procedure that will be followed to execute a test. This is usually a written document that allows others to execute the test with a minimum of training.
Testing: Any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system to determine that it meets its required results. The process of exercising or evaluating a system or system component by manual or automated means to verify that it satisfies specified requirements or to identify differences between expected and actual results.
Top-down Testing: An integration testing technique that tests the high-level components first using stubs for lower-level called components that have not yet been integrated and that stimulate the required actions of those components.
Unit Testing: The testing done to show whether a unit (the smallest piece of software that can be independently compiled or assembled, loaded, and tested) satisfies its functional specification or its implemented structure matches the intended design structure.
User: The end user that actually uses the product received.
V- Diagram (model): a diagram that visualizes the order of testing activities and their corresponding phases of development
Validation: The process of evaluating software to determine compliance with specified requirements.
Verification: The process of evaluating the products of a given software development activity to determine correctness and consistency with respect to the products and standards provided as input to that activity.
Walkthrough: Usually, a step-by-step simulation of the execution of a procedure, as when walking through code, line by line, with an imagined set of inputs. The term has been extended to the review of material that is not procedural, such as data descriptions, reference manuals, specifications, etc.
White-box Testing: Testing approaches that examine the program structure and derive test data from the program logic. This is also known as clear box testing, glass-box or open-box testing. White box testing determines if program-code structure and logic is faulty. The test is accurate only if the tester knows what the program is supposed to do. He or she can then see if the program diverges from its intended goal. White box testing does not account for errors caused by omission, and all visible code must also be readable.
Technical Interview (1 Round)
- Tell me about yourself?
- What kind of projects did u handle?
- How big is your organization?
- How much QA Strength in your organization?
- Have u worked on Winrunner?
- Winrunner which version u used in your project?
- How many months of experience in Winrunner?
- Winrunner works on IE or NETSCAPE?
- What u used in your project IE or NETSCAPE?
- What r the different types of add-ins in Winrunner?
- How u worked on JAVA Project, which add-ins u used?
- For JAVA how u load add-ins and what is the command for loading Java add-ins?
- Can u write SQL Queries?
- How u comfortable in SQL Server?
- What is Defect Removal Efficiency?
- What is Defect Density?
- How u measure Quality?
- What is traceability matrix?
- What r the acceptance testcases?
- After completing Acceptance Testing what kind of bugs u faced?
- What is Data Driven Test?
- Can u write script for DDT?
- Write a script using DDT for a Screen having 3 fileds ID, NAME, SAL and 2 buttons SAVE , CANCEL?
- Can u write SQL Query?
There is an EMP Table
Eno Ename Sal
10 Purna 6000
20 Saibaba 7000
30 Lakshmi 8000
40 Vijay 9000
50 Feroz 10000
60 Narendra 15000
70 Kala 20000
80 Sushma 25000
90 Kalyan 30000
95 Dwaraka 35000
Write a query for retrieving the records in the above table which are in italics.
25.What is bug life cycle?
26.What is your development team size?
27. Testing team size?( I told Dev. Team size lessthan Testing team)
28. Why Dev. Team size is less?
29. Can u write VB coding?
30. Do u have any Questions?
HR Interview (2 Round)
- About yourself?
- About your company profile like company strength, Team Size?
- What is your family?
- Why are you looking for a change?
- Why u choose TCS?
- What you know about TCS?
- How much time require to join?
- Can’t you join before 1 month?
- Why you choose Computers Subject?
- Why u opting only TCS?
- Have u appeared before to the TCS?
- Can u bring Payslip?
- What is your current salary?
- What is your expected salary?
- Who is CEO of TCS, do u know?
Management Review (3 Round)
- About yourself?
- What types of testing u have done?
- Do u know Winrunner?
- Do u know Loadrunner, Rational?
- What is testing life cycle?
- Explain each of the phases in SDLC?
- Models of SDLC?
- CMM explain?
- Difference between regression testing and acceptance testing?
- Difference between integration and system testing?
- Difference between functionality and performance testing?
- Have u done any mistakes in your previous projects?
- What r the characterstics of test engineer as a team member?
- How much time u require to join?
- What r your strengths?
- What do u mean by learning new techniques very quickly? ( I told my strength as ability to learn new techniques very easily)
- Can’t u join tomorrow?
- Can u relocate in Chennai or Bangalore?
Personal Interview(Screening 1 Round)
- What is your company name?
- Strength of your company?
- What tools u know?
- Your background education?
- What is your previous company?
- What is current project?
- What r different types of testing?
- How can u rate in Winrunner?
- Which testing u r familiar?
- Your company is training institute or S/W company?
- How do u tested your project?
Technical Interview (2 Round)
- Difference between S/W Testing and QA?
- Testing comes under QA or not?
- About your self?
- Your current project?
- Test plan document consists of what?
- How do u derive testcases?
- Difference between Use Cases and Functional Specifications?
- How do u justify your testcases are correct when your PL comes to you?
(you derived 270 testcases and your colleague derived 800 testcases how can u justify your testcases are correct ?here…it is a small discussion actually here u need to say about traceability matrix)
- What is system testing?
- What r the techniques for writing Testcases?
- What is equivalence class?
- Give me example of equivalence class?
- One Testcase is enough for valid equivalence class?
- XML do u know?
- Regarding SQL Server how much you r comfortable?
- SQL Database concepts , R you comfortable?
- What is Referential Integrity Constraint?
- What happens if we delete a record in child table?
- What happens if we delete a record in parent table?
- What r your strengths?
- What is primary key?
- What is Unique key? Difference between Unique and Primary keys?
- What is stored procedure?
- Why we use Stored Procedure?
- Ondelete Cascade?
- What r different Joins?
- Main attributes of XML?
- What is constraint?
- What r your academic %?
- What r your achievements?
- What is the best bug?
- What is bug life cycle?
- TestDirector do u know?
- Winrunner u know?
- What is a checkpoint? Definition?
- Can’t we use checkpoint if we r having only one version of application?
- How do u say a Test is pass/fail?
- Shall we use a check point in single version or not?
- Tell about Winrunner what u know?
- When we go for automation?
- What is the Stop Criteria of testing?
HR Interview (3 Round)
- About yourself?
- When we go for automation?
- Can’t we use tool for testing?
- Family background?
- Are u single?
- TestDirector u know ? Explain?
- Explain Loadrunner?
- What is Performace Testing?
- Have u used Loadrunner?
- Do u know Rational Robot?
- What you are expecting from Satyam?
- What is your CTC?
- What is Expected Salary?
- Can’t u work for 2.2 Package if u want career growth?
- How do u rate in WinRunner?
- When you are expecting your marriage?
Technical Interview
- About Yourself and Jobprofile?
- What is the difference between QA & QC?
- What is the difference between Verification & Validation?
- Which model u follow in your company?
- Draw the Structure of V-model?
- Testplan why?
- What it contains?
- How u prepare Testcases?
- What is difference between Usecases & Functional Specifications?
- Why u derive Testcases from both Usecases and Functional specs not from one?
- What r the types of testing?
- What is greybox testing?
- If the tester does not know VB.net can’t he test application?
- ISO & CMM …..abbreviations?
- What is CMM-i?
- What r the Steps in CMM?
- What r the testing types?
- What is the limitation of V-model?
- What is Functionality testing?
- What is difference between Client/Server and Web Application?
- Can’t we test VB Application in all the Platforms?
- Is VB browser compatability?
- Write the test plan for the following screen?
Location: combobox
Date: Testbox
Time: Textbox
- Difference between Unit Testing & Functionality?
- What is the High level Architechture for farmers auto insurance?
- How do u submit a defect in your company?
- What is bug life cycle?
- How do u know test is pass/fail?
- What is start criteria?
- What r the techniques u know for preparing testcases ….explain the techniques?
- Tell me testcases for the following …..like
N can take numbers from 1 to 100.
A can take numbers from 1 to 50
B can take numbers from 50 to 100
- How u submit a defect using tool?
- How u maintain bug tracking sheet?
- Compile Module?
- What is the use of Compile Module?
- Do u know Oracle?
- What r the types of Joins?
- What is outer join?
- What is self join?
- When u go for automation?
- When u stop testing?
- Difference between Retesting and Regression Testing?
- Why V-Model is called “V”
Technical Interview
- What r the Phases of SDLC?
- Explain Waterfall model?
- What is Testing?
- Describe V-Model?
- What Testpaln Document Consists?
- Who will prepare Testplan in your company?
- What is Testcase?
- What is template for testcase?
- Explain Bug lifecycle?
- What r the deliverables?
- What is Functionality Testing?
- What is Regression Testing?
- What is Compatability Testing?
- Write the Testcases for the Telephone?
- What is stop criteria for testing?
- Without any specifications can you test the application? If so that is called what type of testing?
- What r your responsibilities as a tester?
- Why automation testing?
- What is the difference between Verification and Validation?
- CMM Levels------Explain each?
- What is difference between Quality control and Quality Assurance?
- What is the quality approach for your company?
- What r the Recording modes in Winrunner?
- What r the Execution modes of Winrunner?
- What is the definition of Winrunner?
- What r the different types of checkpoints?
- What r the different types of GUI Checkpoints?
- What files will be created when you use GUI Check Points…with what extension?
- What is Synchronization Point?(Syntax of Synchronization Point)
- When Requirements are changed what u would do…whether you read all the requirements again or you execute all the testcases. What is the easiest way?
(Exactly I don’t remember but the concept is ..U need to tell about Why Automation)
- GUI Map Editor is for what?
- What is Compile Module?
- What is the Difference Between Compile Module and Test Script?
- Have you ever used Compile Module in your project?
- What is the Primary Key, Foreign Key?
- What is Stored Procedure and syntax?
- Have u ever tested Stored Procedure in your Project?
- Can you add “0” in a table having Primary Key?
- What r the different Metrics in your Project?
- Can u write VB Program …now itself?
Aptitude and English Test (1 Round)
Technical Interview (2 Round)
- Tell me about yourself?
- Company Strength how many members?
- Testing team size?
- What is your role in that company?
- How will you test the application?
- Write a C- Program to sum 1 to 100 numbers?
- What is Regression Testing?
- Tell me about Cyber Cops Project?
- Tell me about FARMERS Project?
- Do u know VC++?
- Do u know VB?
- Write the testcases for the following screen? ( Some screen is given)
- What is bug lifecycle?
- How do u execute a testcase?
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