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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Test Case Documents and process

Test Case Documents

Designing good test cases is a complex art. The complexity comes from three sources:
§  Test cases help us discover information. Different types of tests are more effective for different classes of information.
§  Test cases can be "good" in a variety of ways. No test case will be good in all of them.
§  People tend to create test cases according to certain testing styles, such as domain testing or risk-based testing. Good domain tests are different from good risk-based tests.

What's a test case?
"A test case specifies the pretest state of the IUT and its environment, the test inputs or conditions, and the expected result. The expected result specifies what the IUT should produce from the test inputs. This specification includes messages generated by the IUT, exceptions, returned values, and resultant state of the IUT and its environment. Test cases may also specify initial and resulting conditions for other objects that constitute the IUT and its environment."

What's a scenario?
A scenario is a hypothetical story, used to help a person think through a complex problem or system.

Characteristics of Good Scenarios

A scenario test has five key characteristics. It is (a) a story that is (b) motivating, (c) credible, (d) complex, and (e) easy to evaluate.
The primary objective of test case design is to derive a set of tests that have the highest attitude of discovering defects in the software. Test cases are designed based on the analysis of requirements, use cases, and technical specifications, and they should be developed in parallel with the software development effort.
A test case describes a set of actions to be performed and the results that are expected. A test case should target specific functionality or aim to exercise a valid path through a use case. This should include invalid user actions and illegal inputs that are not necessarily listed in the use case. A test case is described depends on several factors, e.g. the number of test cases, the frequency with which they change, the level of automation employed, the skill of the testers, the selected testing methodology, staff turnover, and risk.
The test cases will have a generic format as below.

Test case ID - The test case id must be unique across the application
Test case description - The test case description must be very brief.
Test prerequisite - The test pre-requisite clearly describes what should be present in the system, before the test can be executes.
Test Inputs - The test input is nothing but the test data that is prepared to be fed to the system.
Test steps - The test steps are the step-by-step instructions on how to carry out the test.

Expected Results - The expected results are the ones that say what the system must give as output or how the system must react based on the test steps.
Actual Results – The actual results are the ones that say outputs of the action for the given inputs or how the system reacts for the given inputs.
Pass/Fail - If the Expected and Actual results are same then test is Pass otherwise Fail.
The test cases are classified into positive and negative test cases. Positive test cases are designed to prove that the system accepts the valid inputs and then process them correctly. Suitable techniques to design the positive test cases are Specification derived tests, Equivalence partitioning and State-transition testing. The negative test cases are designed to prove that the system rejects invalid inputs and does not process them. Suitable techniques to design the negative test cases are Error guessing, Boundary value analysis, internal boundary value testing and State-transition testing. The test cases details must be very clearly specified, so that a new person can go through the test cases step and step and is able to execute it. The test cases will be explained with specific examples in the following section.
For example consider online shopping application. At the user interface level the client request the web server to display the product details by giving email id and Username. The web server processes the request and will give the response. For this application we will design the unit, Integration and system test cases.
Figure 6.Web based application
Unit Test Cases (UTC)
These are very specific to a particular unit. The basic functionality of the unit is to be understood based on the requirements and the design documents. Generally, Design document will provide a lot of information about the functionality of a unit. The Design document has to be referred before UTC is written, because it provides the actual functionality of how the system must behave, for given inputs.
For example, In the Online shopping application, If the user enters valid Email id and Username values, let us assume that Design document says, that the system must display a product details and should insert the Email id and Username in database table. If user enters invalid values the system will display appropriate error message and will not store it in database.
Figure 7: Snapshot of Login Screen
Test Conditions for the fields in the Login screen

Email-It should be in this format (For Eg
Username – It should accept only alphabets not greater than 6.Numerics and special type of characters are not allowed.

Test Prerequisite: The user should have access to Customer Login screen form screen
Negative Test Case
Project Name-Online shopping

Test                           #
Test Inputs
Expected Results
Actual results
Check for inputting values in Email field

Inputs should not be accepted. It should display  message "Enter valid Email"

Check for inputting values in Email field

Inputs should not be accepted. It should display  message "Enter valid Email"

Check for inputting values in Username field

Inputs should not be accepted. It should display  message "Enter correct Username"

Positive Test Case
Test                           #
Test Inputs
Expected Results
Actual results
Check for inputting values in Email field

Inputs should be accepted.

Check for inputting values in Email field

Inputs should be accepted.

Check for inputting values in Username field

Inputs should be accepted.

Integration Test Cases
Before designing the integration test cases the testers should go through the Integration test plan. It will give complete idea of how to write integration test cases. The main aim of integration test cases is that it tests the multiple modules together. By executing these test cases the user can find out the errors in the interfaces between the Modules.
For example, in online shopping, there will be Catalog and Administration module. In catalog section the customer can track the list of products and can buy the products online. In administration module the admin can enter the product name and information related to it.

Table3: Integration Test Cases
Test                           #
Test Inputs
Expected Results
Actual results

Check for Login Screen
Enter values in Email and UserName.
For Eg:
Inputs should be accepted.

Backend Verification
Select email, username from Cus;
The entered Email and Username should be displayed at sqlprompt.

Check for Product Information
Click product information link
It should display complete details of the product

Check for admin screen
Enter values in Product Id and Product name fields.
For Eg:
Product Id-245
Product name-Norton Antivirus
Inputs should be accepted.

Backend verification
Select pid , pname from Product;
The entered Product id and Product name should be displayed at the sql prompt.

NOTE: The tester has to execute above unit and Integration test cases after coding. And He/She has to fill the actual results and Pass/fail columns. If the test cases fail then defect report should be prepared.

System Test Cases: -
The system test cases meant to test the system as per the requirements; end-to end. This is basically to make sure that the application works as per SRS. In system test cases, (generally in system testing itself), the testers are supposed to act as an end user. So, system test cases normally do concentrate on the functionality of the system, inputs are fed through the system and each and every check is performed using the system itself. Normally, the verifications done by checking the database tables directly or running programs manually are not encouraged in the system test.
The system test must focus on functional groups, rather than identifying the program units. When it comes to system testing, it is assume that the interfaces between the modules are working fine (integration passed).
Ideally the test cases are nothing but a union of the functionalities tested in the unit testing and the integration testing. Instead of testing the system inputs outputs through database or external programs, everything is tested through the system itself. For example, in a online shopping application, the catalog and administration screens (program units) would have been independently unit tested and the test results would be verified through the database. In system testing, the tester will mimic as an end user and hence checks the application through its output.
There are occasions, where some/many of the integration and unit test cases are repeated in system testing also; especially when the units are tested with test stubs before and not actually tested with other real modules, during system testing those cases will be performed again with real modules/data in
Requirements Traceability Matrix
Requirements Traceability Matrix
Ideally each software developed must satisfy the set of requirements completely. So, right from design, each requirement must be addressed in every single document in the software process. The documents include the HLD, LLD, source codes, unit test cases, integration test cases and the system test cases. Refer the following sample table which describes Requirements Traceability Matrix process. In this matrix, the rows will have the requirements. For every document {HLD, LLD etc}, there will be a separate column. So, in every cell, we need to state, what section in HLD addresses a particular requirement. Ideally, if every requirement is addressed in every single document, all the individual cells must have valid section ids or names filled in. Then we know that every requirement is addressed. In case of any missing of requirement, we need to go back to the document and correct it, so that it addressed the requirement.

For testing at each level, we may have to address the requirements. One integration and the system test case may address multiple requirements.

DTP Scenario No
LLD Section
Requirement 1

Requirement 2

Requirement 3

Requirement 4

Requirement N


Understanding Agile Testing

Understanding Agile Testing

The concept of Agile testing rests on the values of the Agile Alliance Values, which states that:

"We have come to value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
What is Agile testing?

1)    Agile testers treat the developers as their customer and follow the agile manifesto. The Context driven testing principles (explained in later part) act as a set of principles for the agile tester.

2)     Or it can be treated as the testing methodology followed by testing team when an entire project follows agile methodologies. If so what is the role of a tester in such a fast paced methodology?)

Traditional QA seems to be totally at loggerheads with the Agile manifesto in the following regard where:

·         Process and tools are a key part of QA and testing.
·         QA people seem to love documentation.
·         QA people want to see the written specification.
·         And where is testing without a PLAN?

So the question arises is there a role for QA in Agile projects?

There answer is maybe but the roles and tasks are different.

In the first definition of Agile testing we described it as one following the Context driven principles.

The context driven principles which are guidelines for the agile tester are:

1. The value of any practice depends on its context.
2. There are good practices in context, but there are no best practices.
3. People, working together, are the most important part of any project's context.
4. Projects unfold over time in ways that are often not predictable.
5. The product is a solution. If the problem isn't solved, the product doesn't work.
6. Good software testing is a challenging intellectual process.
7. Only through judgment and skill, exercised cooperatively throughout the entire project, are we able to do the right things at the right times to effectively test our products.

In the second definition we described Agile testing as a testing methodology adopted when an entire project follows Agile (development) Methodology. We shall have a look at the Agile development methodologies being practiced currently:

Agile Development Methodologies

·         Extreme Programming (XP)
·         Crystal
·         Adaptive Software Development (ASD)
·         Scrum
·         Feature Driven Development (FDD)
·         Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
·         Xbreed

In a fast paced environment such as in Agile development the question then arises as to what is the "Role" of testing?

Testing is as relevant in an Agile scenario if not more than a traditional software development scenario.

Testing is the Headlight of the agile project showing where the project is standing now and the direction it is headed.
Testing provides the required and relevant information to the teams to take informed and precise decisions.
The testers in agile frameworks get involved in much more than finding "software bugs", anything that can "bug" the potential user is a issue for them but testers don't make the final call, it's the entire team that discusses over it and takes a decision over a potential issues.
A firm belief of Agile practitioners is that any testing approach does not assure quality it's the team that does (or doesn't) do it, so there is a heavy emphasis on the skill and attitude of the people involved.
Agile Testing is not a game of "gotcha", it's about finding ways to set goals rather than focus on mistakes.

Among these Agile methodologies mentioned we shall look at XP (Extreme Programming) in detail, as this is the most commonly used and popular one.

The basic components of the XP practices are:

·         Test- First Programming
·         Pair Programming
·         Short Iterations & Releases
·         Refactoring
·         User Stories
·         Acceptance Testing

We shall discuss these factors in detail.

Test-First Programming
§  Developers write unit tests before coding. It has been noted that this kind of approach motivates the coding, speeds coding and also and improves design results in better designs (with less coupling and more cohesion)
§  It supports a practice called Refactoring (discussed later on).
§  Agile practitioners prefer Tests (code) to Text (written documents) for describing system behavior. Tests are more precise than human language and they are also a lot more likely to be updated when the design changes. How many times have you seen design documents that no longer accurately described the current workings of the software? Out-of-date design documents look pretty much like up-to-date documents. Out-of-date tests fail.
§  Many open source tools like xUnit have been developed to support this methodology.

§  Refactoring is the practice changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure.
§  Traditional development tries to understand how all the code will work together in advance. This is the design. With agile methods, this difficult process of imagining what code might look like before it is written is avoided. Instead, the code is restructured as needed to maintain a coherent design. Frequent refactoring allows less up-front planning of design.
§  Agile methods replace high-level design with frequent redesign (refactoring). Successful refactoring But it also requires a way of ensuring checking whether that the behavior wasn't inadvertently changed. That's where the tests come in.
Make the simplest design that will work and add complexity only when needed and refactor as necessary.
§  Refactoring requires unit tests to ensure that design changes (refactorings) don't break existing code.

Acceptance Testing
§  Make up user experiences or User stories, which are short descriptions of the features to be coded.
§  Acceptance tests verify the completion of user stories.
§  Ideally they are written before coding.

With all these features and process included we can define a practice for Agile testing encompassing the following features.

·         Conversational Test Creation
·         Coaching Tests
·         Providing Test Interfaces
·         Exploratory Learning

Looking deep into each of these practices we can describe each of them as:
Conversational Test Creation
§  Test case writing should be a collaborative activity including majority of the entire team. As the customers will be busy we should have someone representing the customer.
§  Defining tests is a key activity that should include programmers and customer representatives.
§  Don't do it alone.

      Coaching Tests
§  A way of thinking about Acceptance Tests.
§  Turn user stories into tests.
§  Tests should provide Goals and guidance, Instant feedback and Progress measurement
§  Tests should be in specified in a format that is clear enough that users/ customers can understand and that is specific enough that it can be executed
§  Specification should be done by example.

 Providing Test Interfaces
§  Developers are responsible for providing the fixtures that automate coaching tests
§  In most cases XP teams are adding test interfaces to their products, rather than using external test tools

Exploratory Learning
§  Plan to explore, learn and understand the product with each iteration.
§  Look for bugs, missing features and opportunities for improvement.
§  We don't understand software until we have used it.
We believe that Agile Testing is a major step forward. You may disagree.  But regardless Agile Programming is the wave of the future. These practices will develop and some of the extreme edges may be worn off, but it's only growing in influence and attraction.  Some testers may not like it, but those who don't figure out how to live with it are simply going to be left behind.

Some testers are still upset that they don't have the authority to block the release. Do they think that they now have the authority to block the adoption of these new development methods? They'll need to get on this ship and if they want to try to keep it from the shoals. Stay on the dock if you wish. Bon Voyage!
Role of test lead

  • Understand the system requirements completely.
  • Initiate the preparation of test plan for the beta phase.

Role of the tester
  • to provide input while there is still time to make significant changes as the design evolves.
  • Report errors to developers
 Try installing on system having non-compliant configuration such as less memory / RAM / HDD.
Role of a Test Lead

·         Provide Test Instruction Sheet that describes items such as testing objectives, steps to follow, data to enter, functions to invoke.
·         Provide feedback forms and comments.

Role of a tester

·         Understand the software requirements and the testing objectives.
·         Carry out the test cases

Regression Testing

Regression Testing

Regression testing as the name suggests is used to test / check the effect of changes made in the code.
Most of the time the testing team is asked to check last minute changes in the code just before making a release to the client, in this situation the testing team needs to check only the affected areas.
So in short for the regression testing the testing team should get the input from the development team about the nature / amount of change in the fix so that testing team can first check the fix and then the side effects of the fix.

In my present organization we too faced the same problem. So we made a regression bucket (this is a simple excel sheet containing the test cases that we need think assure us of bare minimum functionality) this bucket is run every time before the release.

In fact the regression testing is the testing in which maximum automation can be done. The reason being the same set of test cases will be run on different builds multiple times.
But again the extent of automation depends on whether the test cases will remain applicable over the time, In case the automated test cases do not remain applicable for some amount of time then test engineers will end up in wasting time to automate and don't get enough out of automation.
  • What is Regression testing?
Regression Testing is retesting unchanged segments of application. It involves rerunning tests that have been previously executed to ensure that the same results can be achieved currently as were achieved when the segment was last tested.
The selective retesting of a software system that has been modified to ensure that any bugs have been fixed and that no other previously working functions have failed as a result of the reparations and that newly added features have not created problems with previous versions of the software. Also referred to as verification testing, regression testing is initiated after a programmer has attempted to fix a recognized problem or has added source code to a program that may have inadvertently introduced errors. It is a quality control measure to ensure that the newly modified code still complies with its specified requirements and that unmodified code has not been affected by the maintenance activity.

  • What do you do during Regression testing?
    • Rerunning of previously conducted tests
    • Reviewing previously prepared manual procedures
    • Comparing the current test results with the previously executed test results

  • What are the tools available for Regression testing?
Although the process is simple i.e. the test cases that have been prepared can be used and the expected results are also known, if the process is not automated it can be very time-consuming and tedious operation.

Some of the tools available for regression testing are:
Record and Playback tools – Here the previously executed scripts can be rerun to verify whether the same set of results are obtained. E.g. Rational Robot

  • What are the end goals of Regression testing?
    • To ensure that the unchanged system segments function properly
    • To ensure that the previously prepared manual procedures remain correct after the changes have been made to the application system
    • To verify that the data dictionary of data elements that have been changed is correct
Regression testing as the name suggests is used to test / check the effect of changes made in the code.
Most of the time the testing team is asked to check the last minute changes in the code just before making a release to the client, in this situation the testing team needs to check only the affected areas.
So in short for the regression testing the testing team should get the input from the development team about the nature / amount of change in the fix so that testing team can first check the fix and then the affected areas.

In my present organization we too faced the same problem. So we made a regression bucket (this is a simple excel sheet containing the test cases that we need think assure us of bare minimum functionality) this bucket is run every time before the release.

In fact the regression testing is the testing in which maximum automation can be done. The reason being the same set of test cases will be run on different builds multiple times.
But again the extent of automation depends on whether the test cases will remain applicable over the time, In case the automated test cases do not remain applicable for some amount of time then test engineers will end up in wasting time to automate and don't get enough out of automation.
Stress Testing,Performance Testing and Performance Testing
Stress Testing
Stress testing executes a system in a manner that demands resources in abnormal quantity, frequency, or volume. The following types of tests may be conducted during stress testing;
·         Special tests may be designed that generate ten interrupts per second, when one or two is the average rate.
·         Input data rates may be increases by an order of magnitude to determine how input functions will respond.
·         Test Cases that require maximum memory or other resources.
·         Test Cases that may cause excessive hunting for disk-resident data.
·         Test Cases that my cause thrashing in a virtual operating system.

Performance Testing
Performance testing of a Web site is basically the process of understanding how the Web application and its operating environment respond at various user load levels. In general, we want to measure the Response Time, Throughput, and Utilization of the Web site while simulating attempts by virtual users to simultaneously access the site. One of the main objectives of performance testing is to maintain a Web site with low response time, high throughput, and low utilization.

Response Time
Response Time is the delay experienced when a request is made to the server and the server's response to the client is received. It is usually measured in units of time, such as seconds or milliseconds. Generally speaking, Response Time increases as the inverse of unutilized capacity. It increases slowly at low levels of user load, but increases rapidly as capacity is utilized. Figure 1 demonstrates such typical characteristics of Response Time versus user load.

Figure1. Typical characteristics of latency versus user load
The sudden increase in response time is often caused by the maximum utilization of one or more system resources. For example, most Web servers can be configured to start up a fixed number of threads to handle concurrent user requests. If the number of concurrent requests is greater than the number of threads available, any incoming requests will be placed in a queue and will wait for their turn to be processed. Any time spent in a queue naturally adds extra wait time to the overall Response Time.
To better understand what Response Time means in a typical Web farm, we can divide response time into many segments and categorize these segments into two major types: network response time and application response time. Network response time refers to the time it takes for data to travel from one server to another. Application response time is the time required for data to be processed within a server. Figure 2 shows the different response time in the entire process of a typical Web request.

Figure 2 shows the different response time in the entire process of a typical Web request.

Total Response Time = (N1 + N2 + N3 + N4) + (A1 + A2 + A3)
Where Nx represents the network Response Time and Ax represents the application Response Time.
In general, the Response Time is mainly constrained by N1 and N4. This Response Time represents the method your clients are using to access the Internet. In the most common scenario, e-commerce clients access the Internet using relatively slow dial-up connections. Once Internet access is achieved, a client's request will spend an indeterminate amount of time in the Internet cloud shown in Figure 2 as requests and responses are funneled from router to router across the Internet.
To reduce these networks Response Time (N1 and N4), one common solution is to move the servers and/or Web contents closer to the clients. This can be achieved by hosting your farm of servers or replicating your Web contents with major Internet hosting providers who have redundant high-speed connections to major public and private Internet exchange points, thus reducing the number of network routing hops between the clients and the servers.
Network Response Times N2 and N3 usually depend on the performance of the switching equipment in the server farm. When traffic to the back-end database grows, consider upgrading the switches and network adapters to boost performance.
Reducing application Response Times (A1, A2, and A3) is an art form unto itself because the complexity of server applications can make analyzing performance data and performance tuning quite challenging. Typically, multiple software components interact on the server to service a given request. Response time can be introduced by any of the components. That said, there are ways you can approach the problem:
·         First, your application design should minimize round trips wherever possible. Multiple round trips (client to server or application to database) multiply transmission and resource acquisition Response time. Use a single round trip wherever possible.
·         You can optimize many server components to improve performance for your configuration. Database tuning is one of the most important areas on which to focus. Optimize stored procedures and indexes.
·         Look for contention among threads or components competing for common resources. There are several methods you can use to identify contention bottlenecks. Depending on the specific problem, eliminating a resource contention bottleneck may involve restructuring your code, applying service packs, or upgrading components on your server. Not all resource contention problems can be completely eliminated, but you should strive to reduce them wherever possible. They can become bottlenecks for the entire system.
·         Finally, to increase capacity, you may want to upgrade the server hardware (scaling up), if system resources such as CPU or memory are stretched out and have become the bottleneck. Using multiple servers as a cluster (scaling out) may help to lessen the load on an individual server, thus improving system performance and reducing application latencies.

Throughput refers to the number of client requests processed within a certain unit of time. Typically, the unit of measurement is requests per second or pages per second. From a marketing perspective, throughput may also be measured in terms of visitors per day or page views per day, although smaller time units are more useful for performance testing because applications typically see peak loads of several times the average load in a day.
As one of the most useful metrics, the throughput of a Web site is often measured and analyzed at different stages of the design, develop, and deploy cycle. For example, in the process of capacity planning, throughput is one of the key parameters for determining the hardware and system requirements of a Web site. Throughput also plays an important role in identifying performance bottlenecks and improving application and system performance. Whether a Web farm uses a single server or multiple servers, throughput statistics show similar characteristics in reactions to various user load levels. Figure 3 demonstrates such typical characteristics of throughput versus user load.
Figure 3. Typical characteristics of throughput versus user load
As Figure 3 illustrates, the throughput of a typical Web site increases proportionally at the initial stages of increasing load. However, due to limited system resources, throughput cannot be increased indefinitely. It will eventually reach a peak, and the overall performance of the site will start degrading with increased load. Maximum throughput, illustrated by the peak of the graph in Figure 3, is the maximum number of user requests that can be supported concurrently by the site in the given unit of time.
Note that it is sometimes confusing to compare the throughput metrics for your Web site to the published metrics of other sites. The value of maximum throughput varies from site to site. It mainly depends on the complexity of the application. For example, a Web site consisting largely of static HTML pages may be able to serve many more requests per second than a site serving dynamic pages. As with any statistic, throughput metrics can be manipulated by selectively ignoring some of the data. For example, in your measurements, you may have included separate data for all the supporting files on a page, such as graphic files. Another site's published measurements might consider the overall page as one unit. As a result, throughput values are most useful for comparisons within the same site, using a common measuring methodology and set of metrics.
In many ways, throughput and Response time are related, as different approaches to thinking about the same problem. In general, sites with high latency will have low throughput. If you want to improve your throughput, you should analyze the same criteria as you would to reduce latency. Also, measurement of throughput without consideration of latency is misleading because latency often rises under load before throughput peaks. This means that peak throughput may occur at a latency that is unacceptable from an application usability standpoint. This suggests that Performance reports include a cut-off value for Response time, such as:250 requests/second @ 5 seconds maximum Response time

Utilization refers to the usage level of different system resources, such as the server's CPU(s), memory, network bandwidth, and so forth. It is usually measured as a percentage of the maximum available level of the specific resource. Utilization versus user load for a Web server typically produces a curve, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Typical characteristics of utilization versus user load
As Figure 4 illustrates, utilization usually increases proportionally to increasing user load. However, it will top off and remain at a constant when the load continues to build up.
If the specific system resource tops off at 100-percent utilization, it's very likely that this resource has become the performance bottleneck of the site. Upgrading the resource with higher capacity would allow greater throughput and lower latency—thus better performance. If the measured resource does not top off close to 100-percent utilization, it is probably because one or more of the other system resources have already reached their maximum usage levels. They have become the performance bottleneck of the site.
To locate the bottleneck, you may need to go through a long and painstaking process of running performance tests against each of the suspected resources, and then verifying if performance is improved by increasing the capacity of the resource. In many cases, performance of the site will start deteriorating to an unacceptable level well before the major system resources, such as CPU and memory, are maximized. For example, Figure 5 illustrates a case where response time rises sharply to 45 seconds when CPU utilization has reached only 60 percent.
Figure 5. An example of Response Time versus utilization
As Figure 5 demonstrates, monitoring the CPU or memory utilization alone may not always indicate the true capacity level of the server farm with acceptable performance.
While most traditional applications are designed to respond to a single user at any time, most Web applications are expected to support a wide range of concurrent users, from a dozen to a couple thousand or more. As a result, performance testing has become a critical component in the process of deploying a Web application. It has proven to be most useful in (but not limited to) the following areas:
·         Capacity planning
·         Bug fixing
Capacity Planning
How do you know if your server configuration is sufficient to support two million visitors per day with average response time of less than five seconds? If your company is projecting a business growth of 200 percent over the next two months, how do you know if you need to upgrade your server or add more servers to the Web farm? Can your server and application support a six-fold traffic increase during the Christmas shopping season?
Capacity planning is about being prepared. You need to set the hardware and software requirements of your application so that you'll have sufficient capacity to meet anticipated and unanticipated user load.
One approach in capacity planning is to load-test your application in a testing (staging) server farm. By simulating different load levels on the farm using a Web application performance testing tool such as WAS, you can collect and analyze the test results to better understand the performance characteristics of the application. Performance charts such as those shown in Figures 1, 3, and 4 can then be generated to show the expected Response Time, throughput, and utilization at these load levels.
In addition, you may also want to test the scalability of your application with different hardware configurations. For example, load testing your application on servers with one, two, and four CPUs respectively would help to determine how well the application scales with symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) servers. Likewise, you should load test your application with different numbers of clustered servers to confirm that your application scales well in a cluster environment.
Although performance testing is as important as functional testing, it's often overlooked .Since the requirements to ensure the performance of the system is not as straightforward as the functionalities of the system, achieving it correctly is more difficult.
The effort of performance testing is addressed in two ways:
  • Load testing
  • Stress testing

Load testing
Load testing is a much used industry term for the effort of performance testing. Here load means the number of users or the traffic for the system. Load testing is defined as the testing to determine whether the system is capable of handling anticipated number of users or not.

In Load Testing, the virtual users are simulated to exhibit the real user behavior as much as possible. Even the user think time such as how users will take time to think before inputting data will also be emulated. It is carried out to justify whether the system is performing well for the specified limit of load.

For example, Let us say an online-shopping application is anticipating 1000 concurrent user hits at peak period. In addition, the peak period is expected to stay for 12 hrs. Then the system is load tested with 1000 virtual users for 12 hrs. These kinds of tests are carried out in levels: first 1 user, 50 users, and 100 users, 250 users, 500 users and so on till the anticipated limit are reached. The testing effort is closed exactly for 1000 concurrent users.

The objective of load testing is to check whether the system can perform well for specified load. The system may be capable of accommodating more than 1000 concurrent users. But, validating that is not under the scope of load testing. No attempt is made to determine how many more concurrent users the system is capable of servicing. Table 1 illustrates the example specified.

Stress testing
Stress testing is another industry term of performance testing. Though load testing & Stress testing are used synonymously for performance–related efforts, their goal is different.

Unlike load testing where testing is conducted for specified number of users, stress testing is conducted for the number of concurrent users beyond the specified limit. The objective is to identify the maximum number of users the system can handle before breaking down or degrading drastically. Since the aim is to put more stress on system, think time of the user is ignored and the system is exposed to excess load. The goals of load and stress testing are listed in Table 2. Refer to table 3 for the inference drawn through the Performance Testing Efforts.

Let us take the same example of online shopping application to illustrate the objective of stress testing. It determines the maximum number of concurrent users an online system can service which can be beyond 1000 users (specified limit). However, there is a possibility that the maximum load that can be handled by the system may found to be same as the anticipated limit. The Table<##>illustrates the example specified.

Stress testing also determines the behavior of the system as user base increases. It checks whether the system is going to degrade gracefully or crash at a shot when the load goes beyond the specified limit.
                                                Table 1: Load and stress testing of illustrative example
Types of Testing

Number of Concurrent users
Load Testing
1 User ร  50 Users ร 100 Users ร 250 Users ร 500 Users…………. ร 1000Users
12 Hours
Stress Testing
1 User ร  50 Users ร 100 Users ร 250 Users ร 500 Users…………. ร 1000Users ร Beyond 1000 Users……….. ร Maximum Users
12 Hours

Table 2: Goals of load and stress testing
Types of testing
Load testing
  • Testing for anticipated user base
  • Validates whether system is capable of handling load under specified limit
Stress testing
  • Testing beyond the anticipated user base
  • Identifies the maximum  load a system can handle
  • Checks whether the system degrades gracefully or crashes at a shot

Table 3: Inference drawn by load and stress testing

Type of Testing
Load Testing
Whether system Available?
If yes, is the available system is stable?
Stress Testing
Whether system is Available?
If yes, is the available system is stable?
If Yes, is it moving towards Unstable state?
When the system is going to break down or degrade drastically?
Usability Testing
Usability Testing
Usability is the degree to which a user can easily learn and use a product to achieve a goal. Usability testing is the system testing which attempts to find any human-factor problems. A simpler description is testing the software from a users' point of view. Essentially it means testing software to prove/ensure that it is user-friendly, as distinct from testing the functionality of the software. In practical terms it includes ergonomic considerations, screen design, standardization etc.

The idea behind usability testing is to have actual users perform the tasks for which the product was designed. If they can't do the tasks or if they have difficulty performing the tasks, the UI is not adequate and should be redesigned. It should be remembered that usability testing is just one of the many techniques that serve as a basis for evaluating the UI in a user-centered approach. Other techniques for evaluating a UI include inspection methods such as heuristic evaluations, expert reviews, card-sorting, matching test or Icon intuitiveness evaluation, cognitive walkthroughs. Confusion regarding usage of the term can be avoided if we use 'usability evaluation' for the generic term and reserve 'usability testing' for the specific evaluation method based on user performance. Heuristic Evaluation and Usability Inspection or cognitive walkthrough does not involve real users.

It often involves building prototypes of parts of the user interface, having representative users perform representative tasks and seeing if the appropriate users can perform the tasks. In other techniques such as the inspection methods, it is not performance, but someone's opinion of how users might perform that is offered as evidence that the UI is acceptable or not. This distinction between performance and opinion about performance is crucial. Opinions are subjective. Whether a sample of users can accomplish what they want or not is objective. Under many circumstances it is more useful to find out if users can do what they want to do rather than asking someone.

Performing the test
  1. Get a person who fits the user profile. Make sure that you are not getting someone who has worked on it.
  2. Sit them down in front of a computer, give them the application, and tell them a small scenario, like: "Thank you for volunteering making it easier for users to find what they are looking for. We would like you to answer several questions. There is no right or wrong answers. What we want to learn is why you make the choices you do, what is confusing, why choose one thing and not another, etc.  Just talk us through your search and let us know what you are thinking.  We have a recorder which is going to capture what you say, so you will have to tell us what you are clicking on as you also tell us what you are thinking. Also think aloud when you are stuck somewhere"
  3. Now don't speak anything. Sounds easy, but see if you actually can shut up.
  4. Watch them use the application. If they ask you something, tell them you're not there. Then shut up again.
  5. Start noting all the things you will have to change.
  6. Afterwards ask them what they thought and note them down.
Once the whole thing is done thank the volunteer.

End goals of Usability Testing
To summarize the goals, it can be said that it makes the software more user friendly. The end result will be:
  • Better quality software.
  • Software is easier to use.
  • Software is more readily accepted by users.
  • Shortens the learning curve for new users.
Integration Testing
Integration Testing
Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing. The objective is to take unit tested components and build a program structure that has been dictated by design.
Usually, the following methods of Integration testing are followed:
1. Top-down Integration approach.
2. Bottom-up Integration approach.
12.2.1 Top-Down Integration
Top-down integration testing is an incremental approach to construction of program structure. Modules are integrated by moving downward through the control hierarchy, beginning with the main control module. Modules subordinate to the main control module are incorporated into the structure in either a depth-first or breadth-first manner.

  1. The Integration process is performed in a series of five steps:
  2. The main control module is used as a test driver and stubs are substituted for all components directly subordinate to the main control module.
  3. Depending on the integration approach selected subordinate stubs are replaced one at a time with actual components.
  4. Tests are conducted as each component is integrated.
  5. On completion of each set of tests, stub is replaced with the real component.
  6. Regression testing may be conducted to ensure that new errors have not been introduced.
12.2.2 Bottom-Up Integration
Bottom-up integration testing begins construction and testing with atomic modules (i.e. components at the lowest levels in the program structure). Because components are integrated from the bottom up, processing required for components subordinate to a given level is always available and the need for stubs is eliminated.
  1. A Bottom-up integration strategy may be implemented with the following steps:
  2. Low level components are combined into clusters that perform a specific software sub function.
  3. A driver is written to coordinate test case input and output.
  4. The cluster is tested.
Drivers are removed and clusters are combined moving upward in the program structure.
Compatibility Testing
Compatibility Testing
Compatibility Testing concentrates on testing whether the given application goes well with third party tools, software or hardware platform.
For example, you have developed a web application. The major compatibility issue is, the web site should work well in various browsers. Similarly when you develop applications on one platform, you need to check if the application works on other operating systems as well.  This is the main goal of Compatibility Testing.
Before you begin compatibility tests, our sincere suggestion is that you should have a cross reference matrix between various software's, hardware based on the application requirements. For example, let us suppose you are testing a web application. A sample list can be as follows:
Operating System
Pentium – II, 128 MB RAM
IE 4.x, Opera, Netscape
Windows 95
Pentium – III, 256 MB RAM
IE 5.x, Netscape
Windows XP
Pentium – IV, 512 MB RAM

Compatibility tests are also performed for various client/server based applications where the hardware changes from client to client.
Compatibility Testing is very crucial to organizations developing their own products. The products have to be checked for compliance with the competitors of the third party tools, hardware, or software platform. E.g. A Call center product has been built for a solution with X product but there is a client interested in using it with Y product; then the issue of compatibility arises. It is of importance that the product is compatible with varying platforms. Within the same platform, the organization has to be watchful that with each new release the product has to be tested for compatibility.
A good way to keep up with this would be to have a few resources assigned along with their routine tasks to keep updated about such compatibility issues and plan for testing when and if the need arises.
By the above example it is not intended that companies which are not developing products do not have to cater for this type of testing. There case is equally existent, if an application uses standard software then would it be able to run successfully with the newer versions too? Or if a website is running on IE or Netscape, what will happen when it is opened through Opera or Mozilla. Here again it is best to keep these issues in mind and plan for compatibility testing in parallel to avoid any catastrophic failures and delays
Unit Testing
Unit Testing
This is a typical scenario of Manual Unit Testing activity-
A Unit is allocated to a Programmer for programming. Programmer has to use 'Functional Specifications' document as input for his work.
Programmer prepares 'Program Specifications' for his Unit from the Functional Specifications. Program Specifications describe the programming approach, coding tips for the Unit's coding.
Using these 'Program specifications' as input, Programmer prepares 'Unit Test Cases' document for that particular Unit. A 'Unit Test Cases Checklist' may be used to check the completeness of Unit Test Cases document.
'Program Specifications' and 'Unit Test Cases' are reviewed and approved by Quality Assurance Analyst or by peer programmer.
Stubs and Drivers
A software application is made up of a number of 'Units', where output of one 'Unit' goes as an 'Input' of another Unit. e.g. A 'Sales Order Printing' program takes a 'Sales Order' as an input, which is actually an output of 'Sales Order Creation' program.
Due to such interfaces, independent testing of a Unit becomes impossible. But that is what we want to do; we want to test a Unit in isolation! So here we use 'Stub' and 'Driver.
A 'Driver' is a piece of software that drives (invokes) the Unit being tested. A driver creates necessary 'Inputs' required for the Unit and then invokes the Unit.
A Unit may reference another Unit in its logic. A 'Stub' takes place of such subordinate unit during the Unit Testing. A 'Stub' is a piece of software that works similar to a unit which is referenced by the Unit being tested, but it is much simpler that the actual unit. A Stub works as a 'Stand-in' for the subordinate unit and provides the minimum required behavior for that unit. 
Programmer needs to create such 'Drivers' and 'Stubs' for carrying out Unit Testing.
Both the Driver and the Stub are kept at a minimum level of complexity, so that they do not induce any errors while testing the Unit in question.
Example - For Unit Testing of 'Sales Order Printing' program, a 'Driver' program will have the code which will create Sales Order records using hardcoded data and then call 'Sales Order Printing' program. Suppose this printing program uses another unit which calculates Sales discounts by some complex calculations. Then call to this unit will be replaced by a  'Stub', which will simply return fix discount data.

Unit Test Cases
It must be clear by now that preparing Unit Test Cases document (referred to as UTC hereafter) is an important task in Unit Testing activity. Having an UTC, which is complete with every possible test case, leads to complete Unit Testing and thus gives an assurance of defect-free Unit at the end of Unit Testing stage. So let us discuss about how to prepare a UTC.
Think of following aspects while preparing Unit Test Cases –
v  Expected Functionality: Write test cases against each functionality that is expected to be provided from the Unit being developed.
e.g. If an SQL script contains commands for creating one table and altering another table then test cases should be written for testing creation of one table and alteration of another.
It is important that User Requirements should be traceable to Functional Specifications, Functional Specifications be traceable to Program Specifications and Program Specifications be traceable to Unit Test Cases. Maintaining such traceability ensures that the application fulfills User Requirements.
v  Input values:
o    Every input value: Write test cases for each of the inputs accepted by the Unit.
e.g. If a Data Entry Form has 10 fields on it, write test cases for all 10 fields.
o    Validation of input: Every input has certain validation rule associated with it. Write test cases to validate this rule. Also, there can be cross-field validations in which one field is enabled depending upon input of another field. Test cases for these should not be missed.
e.g. A combo box or list box has a valid set of values associated with it.
A numeric field may accept only positive values.
An email address field must have ampersand (@) and period (.) in it.
A 'Sales tax code' entered by user must belong to the 'State' specified by the user.
o    Boundary conditions: Inputs often have minimum and maximum possible values. Do not forget to write test cases for them.
e.g. A field that accepts 'percentage' on a Data Entry Form should be able to accept inputs only from 1 to 100.
o    Limitations of data types: Variables that hold the data have their value limits depending upon their data types. In case of computed fields, it is very important to write cases to arrive at an upper limit value of the variables.
o    Computations: If any calculations are involved in the processing, write test cases to check the arithmetic expressions with all possible combinations of values.
v  Output values: Write test cases to generate scenarios, which will produce all types of output values that are expected from the Unit.
e.g. A Report can display one set of data if user chooses a particular option and another set of data if user chooses a different option. Write test cases to check each of these outputs. When the output is a result of some calculations being performed or some formulae being used, then approximations play a major role and must be checked.
v  Screen / Report Layout: Screen Layout or web page layout and Report layout must be tested against the requirements. It should not happen that the screen or the report looks beautiful and perfect, but user wanted something entirely different! It should ensure that pages and screens are consistent.
v  Path coverage: A Unit may have conditional processing which results in various paths the control can traverse through. Test case must be written for each of these paths.
v  Assumptions: A Unit may assume certain things for it to function.  For example, a Unit may need a database to be open. Then test case must be written to check that the Unit reports error if such assumptions are not met.   
v  Transactions: In case of database applications, it is important to make sure that transactions are properly designed and no way inconsistent data gets saved in the database.
v  Abnormal terminations: Behavior of the Unit in case of abnormal termination should be tested.
v  Error messages: Error messages should be short, precise and self-explanatory. They should be properly phrased and should be free of grammatical mistakes.

UTC Document
Given below is a simple format for UTC document.

Test Case No.
Test Case purpose
Expected Result
Actual result
ID which can be referred to in other documents like 'Traceability Matrix', Root Cause Analysis of Defects etc.
What to test
How to test
What should happen
What actually happened?
This column can be omitted when Defect Recording Tool is used.
Designing Test Cases
Designing Test Cases
There are various techniques in which you can design test cases. For example, the below illustrated gives you an overview as to how you derive test cases using the basis path method:
The basis path testing method can be applied to a procedural design or to source code. The following steps can be applied to derive the basis set:
1. Use the design or code as a foundation, draw corresponding flow graph.
2. Determine the Cyclomatic complexity of the resultant flow graph.
3. Determine a basis set of linearly independent paths.
4. Prepare test cases that will fore execution of each path in the basis set.

Let us now see how to design test cases in a generic manner:
1.        Understand the requirements document.
2.        Break the requirements into smaller requirements (if it improves your testability).
3.        For each Requirement, decide what technique you should use to derive the test cases. For example, if you are testing a Login page, you need to write test cases basing on error guessing and also negative cases for handling failures.
4.        Have a Traceability Matrix as follows:
Requirement No (In RD)
Test Case No

What this Traceability Matrix provides you is the coverage of Testing.  Keep filling in the Traceability matrix when you complete writing test case's for each requirement.

What Is Software Testing
The British Standards Institution, in their standard BS7925-1, define testing as "the process of exercising software to verify that it satisfies specified requirements and to detect faults; the measurement of software quality. Where the actual behavior of the system is different from the expected behavior, a failure is considered to have occurred.
A failure is the result of a fault. A fault is an error in the programming or specification that may or may not result in a failure. A failure is the manifestation of fault.
The principal aim of testing is to detect faults so that they can be removed before the product is made available to customers. Faults in software are made for a variety of reasons, from misinterpreting the requirements through to simple typing mistakes. It is the role of software testing and quality assurance, to reduce those faults by identifying the failures.

Testing is a process of executing a program and comparing the results to an agreed upon standard called requirements. If the results match the requirements, then the software has passed testing.
There are several methods of testing. There is exploratory testing, scripted, ad-hoc, regression and many more variations.
Testing involves operation of a system or application under controlled conditions and evaluating the results
Testing is a process for trying out a piece of software with data in valid or invalid condition in a controlled manner.
Focus on trying to find bugs
The goal of software testing should always be to find as many faults as possible(and find them early). If you set out with the goal of testing your software works, then you will prove it works, you will not prove that it doesn't break.
For example, if you try to show it works, then you'll use a valid postcode to ensure it returns a valid response
IEEE Standard Definitions of Software Testing
IEEE Standard 610 (1990): A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results developed for a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement.
IEEE Std 829-1983: Documentation specifying inputs, predicted results, and a set of execution conditions for a test item.

Purpose of testing
The testing activity in an information system development can be defined as follows
Testing is a process of planning, preparing, executing and analyzing, aimed at establishing the characteristics of an information system, and demonstrating the difference between the actual status and the required status.
Test planning and preparation activities emphasize the fact that testing should not be regarded as a process that can be started when the object to be tested is delivered. A test process requires accurate planning and preparation phases before any measurement actions can be implemented
Testing reduces the level of uncertainty about the quality of a system. The level of testing effort depends on the risks involved in bringing this system in to operation, and on the decision of how much time and money is to be spent on reducing the level of uncertainty

Testing Guidelines

Stop for a moment to define testing for yourself. (Don't peak ahead!) Does one of the following definition match yours?
Testing is a process designed to

• Prove that the program is error free
• Establish that the software performs its functions correctly
• Establish with confidence that the software does its job fully

If yours matches, you are in for a surprise because testing is none of these. Rather it is properly defined as follows (see Concepts):
Concepts - Testing is the task of locating errors.


Any definition of testing is more than a passive description. It has a profound impact on the way testing is carried out. Since people are highly goal-oriented, the setting of proper goals can mean the difference between success and failure. If the goal of testing were to prove [that a program or process functions properly], the tester would subconsciously work towards this goal, choosing test data that would prove that point.
The reverse would be true if the goal were to locate and correct errors. Test data would be selected with an eye toward providing the program with cases that would likely cause the program to fail. This would be a more desirable result. Why? We begin with the assumption that the system, like most systems, contains errors. The job of testing is to discover them before the user does. In that case, a good tester is one who is successful in crashing the system, or in causing it to perform in some way that is counter to the specification.
The mentality of the tester, then, is a destructive one -quite different from the constructive attitude of the programmer, the "creator". This is useful information for the analyst. Who is acting as a project leader, and is responsible for staffing. Staff should be selected with the appropriate personality traits in mind.
Another effect of having a proper working definition of testing regards the way the project leader assesses the performance of the test team. Without a proper definition of testing, the leader might describe a successful test run as one which proves the program is error free and describe an unsuccessful test as one which found errors. As is the case with the testers themselves, this mind-set is actually counter-productive to the testing process.


To satisfy its definition, testing must accomplish the following goals:
1. Find cases where the program does not do what it is supposed to do.
2. Find cases where the program does things it is not supposed to do.
The first goal refers to specifications which were not satisfied by the program while the second goal refers to unwanted side-effects.


Following are eight basic principles of testing:
1. Define the expected output or result.
2. Don't test your own programs.
3. Inspect the results of each test completely.
4. Include test cases for invalid or unexpected conditions.
5. Test the program to see if it does what it is not supposed to do as well as what it is supposed to do.
6. Avoid disposable test cases unless the program itself is disposable.
7. Do not plan tests assuming that no errors will be found.
8. The probability of locating more errors in any one module is directly proportional to the number of errors already found in that module.

Let's look at each of these pints.

More often that not, the tester approaches a test case without a set of predefined and expected results. The danger in this lies in the tendency of the eye to see what it wants to see. Without knowing the expected result, erroneous output can easily be overlooked. This problem can be avoided by carefully pre-defining all expected results for each of the test cases. Sounds obvious? You'd be surprised how many people miss this pint while doing the self-assessment test.

Programming is a constructive activity. To suddenly reverse constructive thinking and begin the destructive process of testing is a difficult task. The publishing business has been applying this idea for years. Writers do not edit their own material for the simple reason that the work is "their baby" and editing out pieces of their work can be a very depressing job.
The attitudinal l problem is not the only consideration for this principle. System errors can be caused by an incomplete or faulty understanding of the original design specifications; it is likely that the programmer would carry these misunderstandings into the test phase.

As obvious as it sounds, this simple principle is often overlooked. In many test cases, an after-the-fact review of earlier test results shows that errors were present but overlooked because no one took the time to study the results.

Programs already in production often cause errors when used in some new or novel fashion. This stems from the natural tendency to concentrate on valid and expected input conditions during a testing cycle. When we use invalid or unexpected input conditions, the likelihood of boosting the error detection rate is significantly increased.

It's not enough to check if the test produced the expected output. New systems, and especially new modifications, often produce unintended side effects such as unwanted disk files or destroyed records. A thorough examination of data structures, reports, and other output can often show that a program is doing what is not supposed to do and therefore still contains errors.

Test cases should be documented so they can be reproduced. With a non-structured approach to testing, test cases are often created on-the-fly. The tester sits at a terminal, generates test input, and submits them to the program. The test data simply disappears when the test is complete.
Reproducible test cases become important later when a program is revised, due to the discovery of bugs or because the user requests new options. In such cases, the revised program can be put through the same extensive tests that were used for the original version. Without saved test cases, the temptation is strong to test only the logic handled by the modifications. This is unsatisfactory because changes which fix one problem often create a host of other apparently unrelated problems elsewhere in the system. As considerable time and effort are spent in creating meaningful tests, tests which are not documented or cannot be duplicated should be avoided.

Testing should be viewed as a process that locates errors and not ne that proves the program works correctly. The reasons for this were discussed earlier.

At first glance, this may seem surprising. However, it has been shown that if certain modules or sections of code contain a high number of errors, subsequent testing will discover more errors in that particular section that in other sections.
Consider a program that consists of two modules, A and B. If testing reveals five errors in module A and only one error in module B, module A will likely display more errors that module B in any subsequent tests.
Why is this so? There is no definitive explanation, but it is probably due to the fact that the error-prone module in inherently complex or was badly programmed. By identifying the most "bug-prone" modules, the tester can concentrate efforts there and achieve a higher rate of error detection that if all portions of the system were given equal attention.

Extensive testing of the system after modifications have been made is referred to as regression testing.

Difference between Testing Types and Testing Techniques
Testing types deal with what aspect of the computer software would be tested, while testing techniques deal with how a specific part of the software would be tested.

That is, testing types mean whether we are testing the function or the structure of the software. In other words, we may test each function of the software to see if it is operational or we may test the internal components of the software to check if its internal workings are according to specification.
On the other hand, ‘Testing technique’ means what methods or ways would be applied or calculations would be done to test a particular feature of a software (Sometimes we test the interfaces, sometimes we test the segments, sometimes loops etc.)

Top 10 Negative Test Cases
Top 10 Negative Test Cases:
Negative test cases are designed to test the software in ways it was not intended to be used, and should be a part of your testing effort. Below are the top 10 negative test cases you should consider when designing your test effort:
Embedded Single Quote - Most SQL based database systems have issues when users store information that contain a single quote (e.g. John's car). For each screen that accepts alphanumeric data entry, try entering text that contains one or more single quotes.
Required Data Entry - Your functional specification should clearly indicate fields that require data entry on screens. Test each field on the screen that has been indicated as being required to ensure it forces you to enter data in the field.
Field Type Test - Your functional specification should clearly indicate fields that require specific data entry requirements (date fields, numeric fields, phone numbers, zip codes, etc). Test each field on the screen that has been indicated as having special types to ensure it forces you to enter data in the correct format based on the field type (numeric fields should not allow alphabetic or special characters, date fields should require a valid date, etc).
Field Size Test - Your functional specification should clearly indicate the number of characters you can enter into a field (for example, the first name must be 50 or less characters). Write test cases to ensure that you can only enter the specified number of characters. Preventing the user from entering more characters than is allowed is more elegant than giving an error message after they have already entered too many characters.
Numeric Bounds Test - For numeric fields, it is important to test for lower and upper bounds. For example, if you are calculating interest charged to an account, you would never have a negative interest amount applied to an account that earns interest, therefore, you should try testing it with a negative number. Likewise, if your functional specification requires that a field be in a specific range ( e.g. from 10 to 50), you should try entering 9 or 51, it should fail with a graceful message.
Numeric Limits Test - Most database systems and programming languages allow numeric items to be identified as integers or long integers. Normally, an integer has a range of -32,767 to 32,767 and long integers can range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. For numeric data entry that do not have specified bounds limits, work with these limits to ensure that it does not get an numeric overflow error.
Date Bounds Test - For date fields, it is important to test for lower and upper bounds. For example, if you are checking a birth date field, it is probably a good bet that the person's birth date is no older than 150 years ago. Likewise, their birth date should not be a date in the future.
Date Validity - For date fields, it is important to ensure that invalid dates are not allowed (04/31/2007 is an invalid date). Your test cases should also check for leap years (every 4th and 400th year is a leap year).
Web Session Testing - Many web applications rely on the browser session to keep track of the person logged in, settings for the application, etc. Most screens in a web application are not designed to be launched without first logging in. Create test cases to launch web pages within the application without first logging in. The web application should ensure it has a valid logged in session before rendering pages within the application.
Performance Changes - As you release new versions of your product, you should have a set of performance tests that you run that identify the speed of your screens (screens that list information, screens that add/update/delete data, etc). Your test suite should include test cases that compare the prior release performance statistics to the current release. This can aid in identifying potential performance problems that will be manifested with code changes to the current release.

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